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Old 01-21-2006, 12:46 AM   #12
Desultory Dwimmerlaik
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Join Date: Mar 2002
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piosenniel is a guest of Tom Bombadil.

Naria's character

Name: Incana

Age: 18

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Weapons: She would carry a rock thrower of sorts made of a long piece of leather looped and attached to a y-shaped hard wood stick. She has a pouch for carrying her rocks for her rock thrower- slung over her shoulder. She would also carry a simple utility knife long enough to do some damage if need be.

Appearance: Incana has long dark blonde hair almost brown that she keeps tied back in a half ponytail. Eyes that seem to change their colour with her mood; sometimes a gold colour sometimes a hazel green. She is 5'6" and weighs in at a whopping 115lbs. She would have pale skin compared to most of the other villagers, but very rosy cheeks. She usually wears a wrap tunic made of leather and lined with angora, that her mother made for her and leather leggings. She has a pair of high leather boots that she wears this time of year that tie up around her calves.

Personality, strengths, weaknesses: She has a great personality, at least that's what her parents say, she is always bubbly and full of life. She is usually the voice of reason when a problem arises. But, Incana is quite bull headed at times when she wants to be usually ending her in hot water.

History: Her father is the village horse breeder and works hard on there farm tending to the horses and goats. Her mother is a seamstress using the goat wool for angora. Her mother would have also worked on the farm tending to the goats, chickens and horses. She is the only child of her parents, her mother had a hard time during labor with Incana and didn't want to risk losing her life with another one. Because her father was a horse breeder he would have to travel great distances at times to sell his stock therefore, Incana was used to being by herself although she didn't mind being alone she often wondered what else there could be outside her village for her. She had learned a lot of the techniques that her mother had taught her and wouldn't have minded putting them to use some day. She often muttered to herself "why does no man want to take me as his bride?" She always thought that she was missing something in her life, besides having no family of her own or husband at her age, but couldn't quite put her finger on it. They have a herd of 15 horses and two of them were not to be ridden, "they are strictly for breeding!"her father would say. So she always had her pick of which to ride on any day. Because of his generous nature, her father had built a smaller house off to the side of theirs in case someone from out of town would need a place to stay. Her uncle was that person, he said he was only going to stay for a week or two but it's turned out to be two years now. Incana liked to watch her uncle practice his archery she thought, for being an older man, that he was the best that she had ever seen. He was also very good in tracking and taught Incana a few tricks of the trade.


Naria's Post:

Incana and her mother were getting ready for bed when her father and uncle came crashing through the door. "Something is going on in the town square" her father exclaimed. "We heard the bell ring, must be very important." said her uncle. With their night dress on and lanterns in hand , Incana and her mother hurried outside with her father and uncle leading the way. "It's a good thing that we reside nearby else you ladies would be catching a chill this night." her uncle said trying to lighten the mood.

Approaching the centre of town they noticed a large group of people had already arrived. Some they recognized some they did not. "I wonder where these people have come from that I have not seen before." Incana said with concern in her voice. "Oh don't worry, I'm sure it's nothing that we should be too concerned about." her mother said not quite convincing herself of that.
The four of them walked through the crowd and into the town hall where there were even more people that they had and had not seen. Incana was starting to feel overwhelmed and scared. She took her father's hand and held it tightly. Her father, straining to hear, heard what sounded like a plea for help from an older man in the sea of villagers. With Incana's hand still tight in his they weaved around people until they were closer to the stage.

The MarchWarden had given his speech to everyone and after listening to him, Encana's parents couldn't believe what they had just heard. "He can't be serious Sending our young ones out like that." Her father said in obvious disdain about the idea. There was some quarreling back and forth among some other parents and it was getting louder and louder. The MarchWarden banged his staff on the stage floor twice. All went silent. "I implore all of the young people of Rohan, come forth if yea shall volunteer for this task." Incana felt a pain in her stomach and a pull in her that she could not ignore. She slowly loosened her grasp of her father's hand and walked even closer to the stage. "NO!" cried her mother "I won't let you do this." Incana picked her mother up off of the floor, wiped away her tears and whispered into her ear, "I'll be ok. Don't fret mother I will come back to you. I have to do this." And with that Incana raised her hand.

With barely any sleep Incana awoke the next morning to find that it wasn't a dream that had kept her tossing but a cold reality. Her mother had been up before her daughter that morning and prepared and packed some food and extra clothing for the journey. Her father came inside and wiped away some dirt off of his face. Incana couldn't help but notice that the dirt had smudged even though it wasn't hot enough outside this time of year. She felt tears well up in her eyes and threw herself into her father's arms. He pulled her back and told her that the horse was ready while he walked into another room. Incana heard muffled sobs; she wanted to go and be with her father but she changed her mind. Her mother hugged her only child and said good-bye and told Incana that she loved her. Incana put the food pack around her waist and went outside where her horse was waiting tied to a post. She fastened her weapons to the side of the horse sighed deeply, mounted and made her way to the town.

Last edited by piosenniel; 01-31-2006 at 02:19 AM.
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