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Old 01-23-2006, 06:09 PM   #168
Shade of Carn Dûm
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: abaft the beam
Posts: 303
tar-ancalime has just left Hobbiton.
tar - Shelob is trying not to take thigs to heart anymore and I think will retract her own vote.
Yes, and I think she was probably typing her post to that effect at the same time I typed my perhaps overly-tart commentary.

However, it may be too late.

I'm still deciding my own vote for the day.

So far Garin, Gandalf, and Wayne are bothering me the most. Gandalf and Wayne seem to be playing some kind of meta-game with each other in which they log on only to exchange votes. This in itself is troubling--what if they're BOTH wolves? We'd never gather enough evidence on either of them!

Garin, on the other hand, is behaving quite strangely to my mind. He votes VERY early for Anguirel, saying it's "random" (yes, Garin, I noted the irony). But why would he do such a thing on Day 2, when we've got so much more to go on, and when he knows he'll be around for the rest of the day to see what happens? Is he just that enamored of the idea of retracting?

Then, when the Shelob discussion really got underway he changed his vote. He was the first to vote for her, true, but it wasn't hard to see which way the wind was blowing--if he thinks it's a done deal then what better way to protect himself than by getting in early and looking like a leader? But then, all I've really got is a nebulous bad feeling that I'm trying to substantiate. And we all know what happens when you go looking for a certain result, right? So I think perhaps it's better I lay off Garin...for now. If he gives me the same feeling tomorrow I may not be so inclined.

On the other hand, there are some people who definitely won't be getting my vote. I think Anguirel and Fea are likely innocents--Anguirel because he not only voted for Thinlomien, he cast the deciding vote that took her down with eonwe, and Fea for the same reason as Shelob--for now. True, it's entirely possible she and Thinlomien worked out the whole Eomer thing as a setup to make Fea look innocent, but if so they had to know that voting last for Eomer meant Thinlomien was not long for the world--sacrificing a wolf on the very first day seems foolhardy and risky, even for Fea, so with that roundabout logic she gets on to my list of likely innocents.

Whom to vote for? Whom to vote for? Right now I'm leaning Wayne but for no good reason.
Having fun wolfing it to the bitter end, I see, gaur-ancalime (lmp, ww13)
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