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Old 01-24-2006, 03:27 PM   #24
Laconic Loreman
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White Tree

This is surely more heroic than Boromir, who just wants to go home, and if possible, take the Ring with him.
Well, I will say I agree with everything you've said except that. (But it's ok to disagree right ?)

You have to take into account why Boromir's going back to Minas Tirith. It's not that he's simply going home because he misses daddy and doesn't want to have anything to do with The Fellowship anymore, but he's going home because it's his duty. Boromir is given several "titles," one of which is Captain-General (Commander-in-Chief would be a term similar to it today). He's the "Commander-in-chief" of Gondor's forces, the one that leads them. He's going back to Minas Tirith because it's his duty to defend his country and lead the army, not just simply like..."Ok guys I don't feel like going any further with you, I'm going home."

So, to me, that makes him honorable in that, he has other duties that he has to do.

I'm reminded of the thread Why Does Aragorn Let Frodo Go? Sure Aragorn would have been a help, but his task was different from Frodo's. Frodo's was to destroy the Ring and the Fellowship was around to help him for as much or as long as they could. Aragorn didn't go with Frodo (this of course being from the movie), because he had duties elsewhere, the more urgent one being making sure Merry and Pippin were safe and doing the best he could to save them.

So, it's just not the case that "Boromir isn't honorable because he wants to go home." But the reasons why he wants to go home, which was his plan even before The Fellowship was made. It's his own duty that drives him home, the way it was Aragorn's duty to "let Frodo go."

If I am totally off base with the discussion, I apologize.
Fenris Penguin
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