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Old 02-03-2006, 04:00 PM   #2
Ghost Prince of Cardolan
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Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: The bottom of the ocean, discussing philosophy with a giant squid
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Meneltarmacil is a guest of Tom Bombadil.
Eye Day 1 begins

The villagers awoke to the dawn of a new Day.

Shelob wandered around town, still trying to familiarize herself with her surroundings. She passed by Kath, who was checking the village for ghosts.

While mormegil started work on a set of knives, Aiwendil put the finishing touches on a dinner table.

The guy who be short checked his mermaid traps, the only catch being Cailín, who had once again been trying to prove her mermaidness to the village. He sighed and let her out.

Márcolië Lamen attempted to convert Garin to the One True Way of Pastafarianism, only to find herself being attacked by his overeager pigs.

Nilpaurion Felagund ran around on the beach enjoying his freedom from a different Isle of Werewolves, only to run right into a palm tree, knocking a coconut from it onto his head. Valier, who was standing on her head to milk some coconuts nearby, saw this and fell over due to a sudden fit of the giggles as a result.

Dancing spawn of ungoliant attempted to sell Naria a bouquet of colorful flowers; however, this was interrupted when a group of sea turtles apparently sent the latter an urgent message.

Wayne tried to play a game of Dungeons and Dragons in his basement with Gil-Galad. Gil, however, quickly lost interest in the game while analyzing the shapes of the various dice on the table.

As Glirdan walked by muttering to himself under his breath, The Saucepan Man silently wondered if there was a legal way to get all these nutcases shipped off the island for good.

Their thoughts were interrupted by a scream from within the woods. The villagers ran to investigate, finding the mysterious AbercrombieofRohan in distress. Meneltarmacil lay upon ye olde grounde nearby, impaled with ye olde speare. Upon examining ye olde knighte, malkatoj announced that he was only “mostly dead, which is barely alive.”

“Who did this to you?” The Saucepan Man asked.

“Th-three… w-werewolves...” Menel said with his dying breath, and then fell silent. As Formendacil dutifully recorded all this in the village chronicles, malkatoj, seeing that Menel was now “all dead,” went through his pockets looking for loose change.

The villagers gathered in the center of town. The wolf hunt had begun.

mormegil- Elven smith
Garin- Truffle hunter with a half a dozen pigs and no social manners
Nilpaurion Felagund- Escaped thrall from Tol-in-Gaurhoth
dancing spawn of ungoliant- Florist
The Saucepan Man- Earnest and learned young man of the law
Aiwendil- Old woodwright
AbercrombieOfRohan- Mysterious lady who lives in the depths of the forest
Shelob- Someone who recently washed ashore
malkatoj- Retired Miracle Man (who is not really a man)
Gil-Galad- Shape-Analyst
Glirdan- Crazy guy down the street
Márcolië Lamen- Second official 8th day adventist Pastafarian
Formendacil- Village historian
Cailín- Deluded girl who believes she is a mermaid
Kath- Local investigator into the paranormal
the guy who be short- Mermaid-catcher and fisherman
WaynetheGoblin- Town geek, wimp, and nerd
Naria- Crazy old lady that thinks the marine life talks to her
Valier- Overly giggly coconut milker who only milks the coconuts while standing on her head

Meneltarmacil (Moderator): Speared by wolves on Night 1

Wolves: 3
Villagers: 16

It is now Day 1. Villagers may post. Hunter and Ranger may PM each other, Wolves may not.

(Note: My mentioning of villagers' activities is not intended to refer to their roles as wolves, etc.)
I ♣ baby seals.
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