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Old 05-08-2006, 05:12 PM   #62
Feanor of the Peredhil
La Belle Dame sans Merci
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Feanor of the Peredhil is a guest of Elrond in Rivendell.Feanor of the Peredhil is a guest of Elrond in Rivendell.Feanor of the Peredhil is a guest of Elrond in Rivendell.
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NAME: Adrigil son of Farlen

AGE: 37

RACE: Gondorian

GENDER: male

WEAPONS: A scimitar acquired from a sleazily ethic'd Umbarian trader, a razor-sharp black dagger from Khand, a potentially Elven bow and quiver given as a token of thanks from an otherwise nefarious pirate whose lady Adrigil saved from near drowning on the high seas.

APPEARANCE: 6'5", well-tanned, straight black hair currently shaved bald from a far southern ceremony involving details that he refuses to divulge. High cheekbones and grey eyes. Impressively muscled upper arms play host to intricately designed tribal tattoos, black ink tracing delicate knots across and around his biceps.

PERSONALITY/STRENGTHS/WEAKNESSES: Adventurous with a strong love of learning new things. Travels as frequently as his duties as father, husband, and heir allow, picking up new talents like wood carving, staff fighting, deep sea fishing and more. Speaks many languages fluently. Has friends scattered about Middle Earth with which he communicates by long letters frequently. Has no qualms about using profanity, but only when women and children (and in this category, he does not count his sisters or cousins) are not present. Having the first voice one hears when they walk into a room, Adrigil is rather booming, a bit intimidating, and immediately likable as he holds no noble pretensions. Rather is it that he is fully aware of the power that comes with his name, as are all, to be honest, and so he feels no need to compensate for it. Very strong, he has to take care not to hurt anybody accidentally. Has a strong love of tournaments and other such events that allow him to show off. Learned to ride among the Rohirrim, learned to fight from locals of every place he's been, and is very much a cuddly teddy bear of a man when in the privacy of his home, no matter what his gruff demeanor elsewhere. Madly in love with his wife, Adrigil has settled a lot in the past seven years; ever since his first child was born.

HISTORY: Adrigil spent his childhood playing pirates and King's Guard with his cousins on the high walls of Dol Amroth. With a special knack for discovering adventures where parents had hoped there to be none, Adrigil often found himself in the midst of a good story to tell later, when mother wasn't around. His younger sister Azranala often took it upon herself to keep Adrigil behaving even as she continuously bossed young Farahil around. Farahil listened, sometimes, and Adrigil humored his motherly little sister until she left him alone more than a few seconds.

As soon as he could, Adrigil talked his mother and father into allowing him to travel at sea with their men. Spending his teenage years in and out of Dol Amroth learning to fight and to command with the captain of the fleet, Adrigil was self-sufficient early. He spent his time at home teasing Azranala, who retorted quite as quickly as she received her brother's taunts and sharing travel stories with Lothiriel who he was always very fond of.

At 20, Adrigil was already experienced in the ways of the world and so when his mother died in childbirth, he was crushed, though not as heart broken as his 12-year-old brother. He humored the 15-year-old Azranala more now, seeing her attempts to fill the void, and he cossetted the new baby, Linduial, named for their dead mother, always more gentle with her than with any others.

He rode with Imrahil's forces to Minas Tirith during the War of the Ring, though he did not ride to the Black Gate. Instead he followed his uncle's very firm advice to stay and guard the city lest it fall. After the war, seeing the fatherless children weep and the husbandless wives carry on heartbroken with their lives, Adrigil resolved that no child should feel the loss of a parent and began to spoil the very young Linduial all the more, buying her pretty items that had no particular use, but that he knew his mother would have cherished and shared with the fussy little girl.

Through his 20s, Adrigil explored Middle Earth, taking Farahil along with him, finding true adventures and acquiring stories only half-believed by those left at home. Always an excellent fighter, he honed his skills with local secrets after gaining acceptance no matter what it took, no matter where he went. Though loud as well as tall and muscular, Adrigil's dark eyes and burnt golden skin were welcoming more than alarming and he was well-liked.

Marrying a pretty young woman when he was nearly 30, Adrigil began to slowly settle, giving up his life on the road (or at sea) to enjoy the quiet family life that he noticed many men enjoying. It lasted about a year before he went nearly stir-crazy and his wife told him to go on an adventure or she would. Kissing her passionately goodbye, he sailed the coast of Middle Earth for several months, dealing with pirates where they were causing trouble, helping rebuild where storms had caused damage, and generally being helpful to the coastal cities and merchant sailors. Returning home, he discovered that his wife was right in telling him to go; he could never be content without a struggle. Loving her all the more, he settled into an almost structured life of stay at home and be a good husband and heir and go out and be a good man of Gondor.

At 30, Adrigil's first child was born; a son. In the following years, his wife bore him two daughters and another son, all black haired and all cheerful, the girls slender and pretty as their still young aunt Linduial, the boys much like Adrigil's father, wise and doting and strong.

As years passed, Adrigil continued to adventure and to stay at home in intervals, coming home with lavish gifts and wonderful stories, loathe to leave for long stretches of time where he was content to do little but play with his children, dote upon his wife, and spend time with the residents of his home.


NAME: Farahil son of Farlen

AGE: 29

RACE: Gondorian

GENDER: male

WEAPONS: Trained in the use of every weapon he comes across, Farahil is proficient in all, studying to perfect each before continuing to the next. He is an extremely formidable opponent on the battlefield and his reputation tends to precede him.

APPEARANCE: 6'1", muscular. Broad shouldered, but not imposing. Walks silently, with footfalls especially light for his large frame. Often seen with a small child on his shoulders when at home, whether a relative or one of the wee ones of the household. Straight black hair that falls past a strong jaw line. Usually combed into a horsetail like those of the Rohirrim of the north, though if a strong wind blowing across the deck of a ship happens to pull his hair from its tie, he will let the wind take it. Farahil presents a rather dashing image of a sailor. A quiet smile often adorns his lips, his dark grey eyes lighting softly. He is most comfortable in commoners' clothing and wears it when adventuring, though even a blind man could see blood of the noblest lines in his visage.

PERSONALITY/STRENGTHS/WEAKNESSES: Though he is a younger son, Farahil has never begrudged his older brother the position of heir. He appreciates his ability to adventure with nearly unlimited funding, yet he owns the sort of disposition that might have been happier in another life without the obligations that come from carrying certain blood within his veins.

He is uncomfortable at formal occasions. While he attends those events deemed important by his sisters, and dresses impeccably for them, Farahil is no more social than strictly necessary and eagerly awaits any opportunity to leave. If he happens to be away from home during such things, he is not in the least bit perturbed. He is most comfortable on a ship, sailing in the late afternoon sun while lazily glancing at the endless waters, pondering what new treat will most easily draw a smile from his younger sister. His discovery that she is a fair shot inspires his continued collecting of bright feathers for quiet evenings spent fletching while she chatters happily away.

Though quieter and more reserved than his older brother, Farahil's very presence is reassuring and he is a favorite of all. Many people do not fully understand him, yet children are drawn to him and strangers find themselves telling him their life stories over a quiet drink. The men that sail under him are loyal beyond the understanding of most, confident in his ability and trusting in both his leadership and friendship. Though Farahil has noble bearing, he treats all as equals and is more comfortable laughing over bawdy jokes in sea-side taverns than politely discussing the state of the weather with visiting dignitaries over dinner. He has a knack for seeing people's strengths as well as their weaknesses and placing them in situations where they will flourish.

HISTORY: The younger son of Lord Farlen, Farahil spent his childhood as the youngest child in the family. With his brother, Adrigil, eight years his senior and his sister, Azranala, three years so, he often struggled to keep up, though if they had been matched in age, he certainly would have matched his siblings in strength and wit, respectively. As playmates of Imrahil's sons and daughter, the children often shared tutors and had adventures within the ancient walls of the castle when they were kept indoors.

Trained early in both statecraft and weaponry, Farahil immediately preferred the latter, studying diligently with the arms masters in hopes of perfecting each weapon. With his twelfth year came the birth of a baby sister, Linduial, and he was fascinated by her. While his older sister was lovely in her own hard-edged way and was certainly proper and could negotiate a horse from beneath his rider while convincing, whether the rider liked it or not, that it was for his own good, Linduial was tiny and porcelain. He was nervous holding her, afraid that she would break, but her bright eyes and happy gurgle instantly stole the very heart that the death of Farahil's mother had broken. From the day she was born, Farahil was protective of her, finding excuses to spend time with her, delighting in eliciting smiles from her. Teased by his peers for his constant thought of his baby sister, he began to keep more to himself, surprising Linduial as she grew with small treats and the like, while beginning to adventure further from home.

As Farahil entered his later teens, after the War of the Ring, his brother, already grown, began to take him on sailing adventures and Farahil developed a keen love of the sea, more even than he had had for the view from the castle walls of the glimmering blue. Whether working in the sweltering sun on the deck of a fishing ship or captaining a crew of traders or adventurers, Farahil was happiest on the water. As he got older, he became less tied to his home and began to enjoy the freedom of the sea more and more, yet he still thought of his little sister, strong as steel and fragile as silk. He brought her tokens after every adventure, sharing stories even as she told him of her latest exploits at home.

These days, Farahil avoids marriage, fearing to bind a woman to him in troth and still feel the call of the sea. When home, he plays with his nieces and nephews, spoiling them with gifts from distant lands, and he seeks out his baby sister, now grown. Hearing of Lin's desire to travel, he wished to ride with her as a guard, but knew that it would defeat her purpose to escape the constraints of home for a time. She had spoken to him of her wish to escape the lad that Farlen had in mind for her, and Farahil knew that his beloved little sister would fade if forced to stay. Secretly he sought out his father and spoke with him, asking leave for Lin to go even before she asked it herself

Though it was partly of his doing that Linduial was allowed to travel to Rohan to visit Lothiriel, he misses her terribly. He sees clearly that which surrounds him: his older siblings married with families, his baby sister having adventures of her own. Even now he is seeking a new crew with which to sail further south than he has ever yet gone, searching desperately for something, anything, but unsure what it is or if he will find it no matter where he goes.

Last edited by piosenniel; 05-09-2006 at 01:25 AM.
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