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Old 05-16-2006, 05:16 AM   #65
Posts: n/a
White Tree

Name: Mudshark, but my real name is Fallon

Quest: To do as much as possible with as little effort

Favourite colour: Blue

Most beloved Tolkien character: Boromir

Least beloved Tolkien character: Arwen

Worst habit: singing in the halls

Best habit: doing laundry

Unlikeliest celebrity crush: David Bowie

Weirdest hobby: skeet shooting

Best place in Middle Earth: Rohan

Best place outside of Middle Earth: Montreal

Most embarrassing moment: When I was caught on tape dancing with my physics prof at a bar.

Most daring moment: skank racing on the highway in a rented car

Favourite "LotR" actor: Sean Bean

Least favourite "LotR" actor: Elijiah Wood

Theme song: I Will Survive by Gloria Gaynor

Style guru: David Bowie

Most crucial accessory: a watch

Greatest weakness: I have a major weakness for guys who can sing

Greatest strength: People think me reponsible, but I have no idea why

Favourite place to visit on the Downs: here

Best Downer Buddy: I don't have any yet

Parting shot: CATCH!
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