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Old 05-28-2006, 06:33 PM   #10
Animated Skeleton
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Posts: 38
Texadan has just left Hobbiton.
This has been mentioned for individuals but looking at it as a whole the thing I am most disappointed in is that most, if not all, of the character changes are for the worse. I've listened to the commentaries and I understand PJ & Co.'s reasoning that there must be action and conflict for a movie audience (even if I don't necessarily agree with it), but every time they changed a character to produce more story it lessened that character. The changes in Faramir that made him so much less than he should be have been mentioned. As has the changing of the Rohirrim from a people of courage and valor to crying cowards and Frodo's harshness with Sam. The same thing was done, to a greater or lesser degree, to Aragorn, Arwen, Elrond, and the Ents. I'm sorry, but I think we need examples of people of character and valor in our fiction these days more than we need conflict. Conflict we are familiar with. The other, not so much.
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