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Old 06-16-2006, 09:42 AM   #223
Feanor of the Peredhil
La Belle Dame sans Merci
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thinking in writing...

Originally Posted by JennyHallu
Fea: Farlen's property is about an hour outside the city in the countryside, so running for Adragil will probably take a while.
That shouldn't be a problem as Degas has a lot of time to kill. Remember, he doesn't get back to Edoras until the morning of Eodwine's court date. That means that (if we're working in a time frame of what, three weeks?) Degas has:

-travel from Edoras to Dol Amroth
-get directions from Dol Amroth to Farlen's estate
-meet Mar, Jr
-sit around contemplating stuff while runners find Farlen and Farahil while someone rides for Adragil
-whatever it is that happens when a noble shows up to tell another noble's family that he lost her (note that I'm a bit lost on these details and will certainly need a little help)
-Farlen leaves and Farahil and Degas have A Chat
-somebody remembers that Degas is hungry and he is given food
-eventually Adragil gets there and Degas, yet again, has explaining to do
-somehow, a couple weeks pass
-Farahil and Degas ride to Edoras

Looking at my only concrete ideas, I'm noticing that in there, somehow, a couple weeks pass.

I'm thinking that for any sort of time span sense-making, there would have to be delays. Degas is going to get waylaid on the road... he won't get there until late "tomorrow" at the earliest. That still leaves too much time.

Is there a possibility that when Degas reaches Farlen's lands, nobody of Lin's family is actually there except maybe Adragil's wife and kids or something? It would take up some time if it took a while for runners to find everybody and then for them to return.

I can have Degas get delayed quite a bit on the road. A storm comes up and he has to seek shelter. While seeking shelter, he finds a young lad on the road near to death from being cold, hungry, and wet. Has to find the young lad somewhere safe to go. Has to figure out what to do with him, as it's not particularly convenient for me to bring the lad to Edoras with him given that Degas has been back all day and the kid hasn't been mentioned plus we already tend to acquire injured strays with a questionable regularity.

Anybody want to pick up the role of a travelling companion for Degas that he finds on the road? I'm thinking to leave him as a ward of Farlen, if that would work out for everybody.

Basically, of all of the diversions I can think of that would require the time spans I need to fill to be filled, finding someone on the road would work out best. It would delay his arrival and his departure as first he'd have to find the kid a place to stay. When that doesn't work out, he's of the type that wouldn't think of leaving him behind and would resolve to bring him along until he found him a suitable home and apprenticeship or whatever.

---------------------------Begin Clear Thoughts Here:------------------

Okay, so now that I've thought "aloud" and come up with a few things, here is my plan to take up time and make Degas's part a bit more interesting and it also solves a problem I'd been having that doesn't pertain to anybody else, so don't worry about it.

My next post will involve Degas at an inn somewhere talking to the innkeeper about the fate of the boy being spoon-fed broth in the next room over. It'll be a flashback post of Degas finding the boy and bringing him to safety. The innkeeper will inform Degas that, for whatever reasons, the boy can't stay. Degas will ponder for a bit and then decide to bring the boy along, once the bad weather passes (roads will be bad for riding for a couple days... big storm, you know) and once the boy is fit to ride.

Does anybody want to write the part of the boy? If not, I'll write up a quick character bio and do it myself.
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