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Old 06-16-2006, 05:35 PM   #950
Stormdancer of Doom
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White Tree

Stray thought:

Elessar being who he is, if he caught wind of a scheme to find Nimrodel, he would certainly want in on it. Not that he'd go himself, but he'd be eager to send some soldiers or rangers or... he'd want to help somehow.

There are two possibilities for this:

1. Oh, boy, more new characters; or
2. Erebemlin replies to Elessar that he would like to accept-- Mellondu comments "Oh, great, an audience for my supposed insanity, now I'll never live it down, nor this life debt either"-- and Erebemlin, in a rare moment of emotional sensitivity coupled with good foresight, realizes if Mellondu is uncomfortable, he's less likely to allow Amroth to surface. Erebemlin turns down Elessar's offer in case extra (too many extra??) characters will lock Amroth away for sure.

Maybe something in between happens; Erebemlin accepts a few good men, but not too many. Alak will know!

A little clarification on Mellondu:

When Mellondu first began dreaming that he was Amroth, it was wonderful, adventurous, exciting, challenging, romantic (in the poetic sense, and in the "Gee She's Pretty" sense, both.) He let himself be swept away, gave Amroth all the control he wanted, and relaxed and enjoyed the trip.

Until his sister was threatened, and Amroth made no effort to renounce Nimrodel in order to save Mellonin. In not fighting Tharonwe for Mellonin's life, suddenly Amroth became a bad guy. Lack of trust now means that Mellondu has no interest in giving Amroth control-- none whatsoever.

But now there's this life-debt; he has to serve Erebemlin; so he knows Erebemlin is going to want Amroth back.

Here's a big rub-- until Mellondu begins to trust Amroth again, he may very well be *unable* to allow Amroth to surface, even if he agrees to try. Or-- maybe he can relax long enough for just a glimpse of Amroth before he quenches him again.

This may or may not come up during the week I'm gone but if it does, you're all forearmed.

OK-- in the morning, I'm off for vacation, nine days. Back a week from Sunday night, may not post til Monday morning after that. Enjoy, don't be shy, and here's hoping for lots of reading when I come back! Thanks again to Alak for taking the reins!
...down to the water to see the elves dance and sing upon the midsummer's eve.

Last edited by mark12_30; 06-16-2006 at 05:39 PM.
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