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Old 06-25-2006, 05:11 AM   #968
Itinerant Songster
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littlemanpoet is battling Black Riders on Weathertop.littlemanpoet is battling Black Riders on Weathertop.
Mellonin remains under the care and rule of Estelyn Telcontar, and that ladyship had her staying at The Seventh Star. Now that the "quest" is "done", isn't it a natural fit for Mellonin to take up her serving role there again? And couldn't the other women stay there as guests?

Ędegard's point of view is that with Mellondu in the protection of his parents, and the Amroth part of him under the guidance of Erebemlin, there is no reason for him to stick around, especially as he wants to take Leafa back to her father and both get the man's permission to marry her, and convince him to return to Edoras with them. How Leafa feels about this is up to Nuru, of course. I'm up to page 11 of the reread, and my opinion may change as I refresh my memory as to what has happened to Ędegard - - something about a lost hand, I'm thinking - - but the lost hand is more likely to convince him to leave the quest rather than stay.

So, something to perhaps lend aid, and something else to add confusion.
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