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Old 06-29-2006, 06:29 AM   #73
The Pearl, The Lily Maid
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Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: In my luxury Barrow, snuggled up in a pile of satin pillows, eating fresh fruit.
Posts: 1,628
JennyHallu has just left Hobbiton.
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Jennifer, Jenny, Jen, Hallu, and for some reason the guys at work (enough of them to be annoying, anywho) call me Bunny

World dominati--I mean Peace. World peace. And getting out of debt, not to mention being a good wife (and someday, mother).

Favourite colour:
I haven't a favorite color. Or a favourite colour either. My husband likes blue, though, so I end up with a lot of presents in that color. My wedding ring has sapphires in it, actually.

Most beloved Tolkien character:
For some reason I fail to understand, Prince Imrahil and his House have always captured my imagination in a way no others have. I wish Tolkien had told us more of the story of Mithrellas...

Least beloved Tolkien character:
Mac's right. Turin sucks. And he whines a lot.

Worst habit:
Gritting my teeth, leaving the kitchen in a horrible mess, poking Neal for attention...holding grudges. That one's pretty bad too.

Best habit:
Not biting my nails? Can I define this negatively?

Unlikeliest celebrity crush:
I'm married. I am soooo far above mere crushes. Johnny Depp! And Ewan Macgregor! And Paul Bellamy! Especially Paul Bell---Shush!

Weirdest hobby:
I haven't any weird hobbies...just a bunch of old-fashioned crafty ones like crochet and needlepoint. Oh, and I'm a quite decent soprano, as well as an artist (pencil sketches, mostly) My husband wants to make wine from scratch, though, and that will probably quickly turn into as much my hobby as his.

Best place in Middle Earth:
Dol Amroth by the Sea

Best place outside of Middle Earth:
My parents' house in Indiana. Whereever that may be. (They're thinking of moving)

Most embarrassing moment:
See that's the beauty of this medium. I don't have to tell you. Calling her parents an hour's drive from home to say she smashed Mum's car--*smacks evil twin* Shush!

Most daring moment:
I proposed to Neal. Was that daring?

Favourite "LotR" actor:
Viggo Mortenson

Least favourite "LotR" actor:

Theme song:
My evil twin wants me to say "It's Raining Men" by the Weather Girls. But while that is, of course, an excellent example of musical virtuousity, my favorite song would probably be the more mundane hymns "How Great Thou Art" and "I'll Fly Away". If I have a favorite at all.

Style guru:
Oh yes they called him the Streak! Boogeydad boogeyda*WHACK!*

Most crucial accessory:
A pen. It always seems I find reason to regret not carrying a ballpoint pen on my person everywhere I go.

Greatest weakness:
I have a rather nasty temper, and I am a sucker for this website's dubious charms. I really ought to be working harder.

Greatest strength:
Omniscience. That helps. No really, I am very good hearted, and I always mean well. And I also communicate well.

Favourite place to visit on the Downs:
RPs and WW.

Best Downer Buddy:
Celuien and Feanor of the Peredhil.

Parting shot:
Don't eat bugs.
<=== Lookee, lookee, lots of IM handles!
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