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Old 08-12-2006, 03:54 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by Kuruharan
What's your basis for saying that?

The Rohirrim chopped them up pretty good, and they were outnumbered.

One has to ask oneself what exactly would happen if this impossible event did take place. It might not have done Saruman any good.

The basis is do you think Sauron's orcs were anything like as strong as the Uruk-hai? The only way Sauron could have been victorious would be through sheer strength in numbers through weak puny orcs. Man-to-man the 10,000 Uruk-hai would probably obliviate even 30,000 Mordor orcs. The real difference would be made by Mordor trolls & the Nazgul. But, as Saurman's plans would then have been to shield an attack as oppose to attacking an enemy, there may have been a chance to build even more soldiers whilst the siege on Isengard was taking place.

Orcs do not ride horses like the Rohirrim - a big advantage for the Rohirrim. Take out the horses & then what result would you have forcasted?
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