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Old 10-24-2006, 09:40 PM   #17
Doubting Dwimmerlaik
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alatar is battling Black Riders on Weathertop.alatar is battling Black Riders on Weathertop.

As I write this, I let you know…I’m a dead man. My hope is that, before I get banned, this information reaches someone else. I don’t expect much, but I have learned to exist on little hope. And so I continue.

You see, I’m a mod. That and $2 gets me a cup of coffee. I do, however, have access to the ‘ivory tower’ of the mods and admins, for that is why I was sent. Four others accompanied me, but fell along the wayside. Breaking through the opaque glass ceiling wasn’t an easy accomplishment. To do so I had to volunteer to write a weekly post for the SbS, and I think that it was sheer luck that I have existed here so long, as the SbS escapes the notice of many. Little did I realize until now much of a blessing that could be, like Merry on the Pelennor Fields, sometimes being overlooked is a good thing.

As a mod, I’ve seen many things, and have always kept my eyes open and my mouth shut. Until now, that is. You would not believe what goes on behind the closed doors.

The Barrow Wight, like Ungoliant, feeds off posters and drains them dry when they are banned. He bans a member or two daily at random - whether they are examples of the perfect poster or spam-bots (though the spam-bots, obviously are less filling). This number doesn’t even include those that are banned for not following his daily edict. Remember last Thursday when the BW commanded that every member MUST post using the word “Sam”? A few who either did not get or heed the message got banned that day. I watched as they were cut down like so much wheat. Some of you, keeping watch like I do at times in the lonely hours of the night, may have noticed that the number of members decreases daily. Why do you think that the ‘spiders’ guest list is so short? It’s because there are none! The BW cleverly lures people in, using the whole Tolkien discussion thing as bait, and after a time, sometimes shorter, sometimes longer, the member feels the Sting. Ban! Some thirsts cannot be slaked. Makes sense, now that I’ve pointed that out, doesn’t it? Why else would the BW use his personal fortune to keep this site going? The mods and admins are his virtual slaves; they either do his bidding or ban! They live in constant fear that they too will end up in the virtual gullet of that which cannot be sated.


Everything above, with the exception of me being a moderator and writing the SbS, is a complete fabrication. Hopefully that was apparent from the first paragraph, but just in case, I’m stating it here. Am I making fun of this situation, this petition? No, I am not. I’m attempting to make a point about an issue that really bothers me as well. That’s something else about which we need to be clear. Though a bystander in some ways, this issue affects me deeply as well, and so I’m taking the time to address it as it makes sense to me. Note that I apologize in advance for my explanations seen below, as they may appear simplistic, obvious, off-topic or otherwise. It’s my way, and I appreciate the freedom that allows me to express myself thus. Anyway…

Before I continue, I want to lay all of my cards on the table and remove my sleeves as well. I have no horse in this race beyond the truth (as far as it can be known) and the Downs. I don’t know any of the actors personally, and I wish them all well. I repped davem in the LotR? thread, where I stated that (from memory) that I thought that he made good points but asked why he continued to post as (1) he and I know we’ve been through all of it before in the Of another world thread and that (2) he should know, from before, that trying to talk someone out of faith, or of Balrog’s wings would be a fruitless effort.

With that out of the way, onto some explanations from a mod.

What do mods do? They identify and keep out the spammers, those humans and computers that want to sell you iPods and whatnot. They also keep an eye on various threads in their domain, trying to keep the post ‘on-topic' and ‘on-Tolkien’ and making sure that the site maintains its family-friendly reputation. Why do we need mods? Why are there rules in the werewolf games? Why are there rules in the RPGs? Play a game without rules, where anything goes, and see how long it lasts or how fun it remains. They also respond to questions and concerns from members. Now, these are my observations (note that I even question myself), but regarding the mods, I see them as no different than any of the other members, with the possible exception that they might have more writing experience, more wisdom and definitely more patient than average. Other than that, the mods and admins are just like you and me. Oh, there is one exception to that. Not only do they post here at the Downs, they volunteer their time freely to do so. Instead of playing with the kids, sleeping or even posting on their favorite signature, the mods take a minute or hour (or more) and look over the threads to make sure everything is simply ‘okay.’

So why is there a "secret" meeting place for the mods (so secret, in fact, that it seems that everyone knows about it...)? If you really want to know, it so that they don’t go nuts. Most of the posts there are of the types, “Hey, I’ll be out of town for a few days. Could someone keep an eye on my section?” and “Here’s yet another spam-bot.” It’s also a place where new mods, like I once was (and still consider myself to be) learn from the old-timers. I had questions about what to do in the SbS, and others answered those there. One can post about posts there, and this allows for ‘off-topic’ posts to be posted, yet not within a thread to avoid starting a bad trend. For example, I may have a question about a direction one of my threads in the SbS, and instead of showing my ignorance in the thread, or making it seem that anyone could ask stupid (no, really stupid) questions in a thread about the Shire scenes, I posted in the secret forum and got direction there. It’s like the ‘planning’ threads of the RPGs, with the exception that it’s less exciting.

Persons have suggested more about the mod forum. Problem is, like in nature, vacuums are abhorred and so we tend to fill them with less than accurate information. You might not believe it, but the mod forum, until just recently, saw less posting than even the SbS, which might see three posts on a busy week. I’d say, “trust me,” but even to me that’s silly. How about, “trust but verify?”

But I’m rambling. Onto the real issue at hand: davem’s banning.

First, let me say again that I bear no ill will against davem. He is neither devil nor saint; he was a very well-read member of the Downs, with knowledge deep in the works of Tolkien and he articulated that learning well. He may have not suffered fools gladly. I note that even davem had his own sacred cows penned up on the farm. And here’s the bomb: I also state up front and unequivocally that davem chose to be banned. Believing that he played no part in his own demise is silly. davem is no fool to be caught unawares.

Anyway, here’s how I saw things (note: apologies in advance to all concerned actors. This is what I read into what others have posted, and usually I read two lines for each one seen on the page):

The Lord of the Bible?, like the ‘Of another world,’ thread before it, discussed religion, never a good topic for me as (1) it attracts me like little else and (2) I just know that some toes are going to get stepped on, and that it always sad because that’s never my intent. Like I said, in the Of another world thread, it happened. There I felt that I may have ‘gone too far’ with some of my posts, and so spoke with some of the other participants, publicly and privately as I wanted them to understand that I was just trying to convey my point in my posts, not attack them or their beliefs. It’s a tough rope walk, and so sometimes I think that it’s just better to avoid the whole discussion. Esty stopped in once and prodded that we were 'off-topic,' but davem and lmp (who represented the two 'sides') let her know that we were just trying to define our terms. davem had disagreed with the modding yet was very respectful. And that was the end of it. Interestingly, though the posts at times were heated and emotional, no mod had to step in as we all either ‘modded’ ourselves, keeping it civil, or left the thread if it got to be too much. It’s just not worth it.

There’s a time and a place for discussion of the near and dear. There’s also tact. You might want to discuss ‘the after life,’ in terms of Tolkien and the real world, but is the best place a funeral? Duh!

So the LotB? thread began. To me it seemed that, after a while, it was getting heated, and that davem’s point, of course well made, was that there was no Christianity in the books. Fair enough, and I’ve made a similar argument. What, I think, made the thread get out of hand was that others still wanted to see Christianity in the books, which to me is fine. I made reference to looking at clouds, as you see in the outside world those things that are in your brain. You see the patterns that are in your thoughts. The very imaginative see even more (listen to kids when they view clouds!). Regardless, if persons wanted to see Christianity in LotR, whether they could back up the opinion or not, it was no skin off of my nose. As I see it, when has anyone’s opinion on the Downs been the last word, or considered to be ex cathedra? Anyway, davem continued to let everyone know that there was no Christianity in the books. Okay. Still, others wanted to see this or that, and maybe their ‘proof’ was completely subjective, but so what? If someone wanted to argue that the elves listened to the Music of the Ainur on iPods, well, have at it. I may say my piece and leave the thread. davem, for some reason, could not leave be. It seemed (again to me) that as he had spoken on the debate and logged the only possible conclusion, that there was no reason to continue, especially for those that disagreed. He, in my view, became impatient with them and maybe thought less of them. Ridicule and satire, like above, can be useful, but is it always wise to smash every gnat with a nuclear sledgehammer? Repeatedly?

The mods asked davem to let be or at least demonstrate some tact; show a little respect or civility. Or maybe move to more fertile topics, as he’d obviously said his piece. Many, like myself and the now infamous SpM, agreed with davem’s points, but thought that he was being overbearing and stifling to the discussion.

Then it took a turn for the worse. davem, in my mind, decided that he should not be corrected and could not be advised. In the mod forum, where the mods discussed the situation, I asked if anyone knew if davem were okay, as this wasn’t like him. Sure, he might smack down a fool, but this was unbecoming.

And, while I’m on the point: regarding members, should we actually require more from those of higher standing etc?

Anyway, from then on it became davem against reason. The various mods and admins, both publicly and privately, asked him to just leave it be as there was no point in his continual impolite postings. One side asked; the other turned a deaf ear.

What do you do when someone, especially someone dear to you, goes astray? Contrary to some opinion, the mods did not want to ban davem. But what could they do, given that davem began spurning the rules of the forum? So it was with sadness that davem was temporarily banned, having been given more consideration than I ever would be given. Maybe, just maybe that would get through to him that all that all of the mods were asking was for some civility. Could the old davem come back please?

Did I note that the content of his posts, for the most part, wasn’t really in question? You can verify that using the ‘Of another world’ thread, as I wouldn’t believe me either.

When the temporary ban was over, which davem would return? The returned davem jumped right back to the same argument with the mods, which again seems to me that davem could not be questioned regarding his posts, could not be questioned about his tone, his intent, etc. Mull that one over. Are any of us beyond questioning? Isn’t that what you are doing with this petition? You are (obviously) free to do so. The mods, sadly in the case of davem, were not. Was it then, “Game on!” for davem? Did he decide to find out just how much weight he carried at the Downs? Maybe, here, he was a god and could do no wrong. Only one way to find out, I guess/assume.

What to do. More warnings, more debate. Like a good leader, the BW stepped in, having read post after post after post about the issue and finally made a decision. It was inevitable, because this obviously is what davem wanted, but still it had to be made. davem was disregarding/taunting mods, the rules, and setting a poor example, which is a shame as, like stated before, he was previously more of someone who you’d want to emulate. And so…

davem was banned. No one cheered. It was a sad day. I felt that he, for some reason, decided to destroy himself. The Downs has lost an informative member. But it doesn’t end there. Note that some of the mods thought that some explanation should be given, though others guessed (rightly) that nothing good would come of it. SpM, more articulate than I will ever be, volunteered to bell that cat. And has paid in spades since his attempt to help the situation. Others have been demonized as well. Now, personally distressed, not by davem’s ban but the repercussions from his explanations trying to help, SpM too, like many of you, feels that his time at the Downs has begun to fade.

Great. From my point of view, that would be 0-2 for the Downs. And we may not have added up all of the losses yet.

One bright point in this mess: In the mod forum, the issue was discussed at length. Now, the topic was davem and what to do. What to do that would be best for the Downs and for davem as well? I cannot believe the care that was given to the issue, considering that the death sentence, if rendered, simply banned someone from participating in the Downs discussion as a specific member. This was no capital crime, davem wasn’t going to jail, his membership fees weren’t being confiscated - the davem moniker would be removed from an internet site that discussed Tolkien. That’s it. Yet the mods still took the issue very seriously as if they were part of some grand jury deciding the fate of the world. Think about that. The mods could have asked, “BW, could you ban davem so that I can get back to crushing the imaginations of the members in my part of the forum?” But they didn’t, and I respect that and it gives me hope.


So where do we go from here? I have some suggestions: Continue to ask questions. Keep your eyes open and look to see what’s really going on instead of relying on partisan posts (like this one). Post. Read. Try to relax and enjoy, as life’s short.

Afraid of getting banned? From what I’ve seen, you’d really really have to work at it to be successful. Not sure if the content of your post is verboten? Ask a mod, or better, see if there’s something similar elsewhere in the forum and try to figure it out from there. Thread getting hot? Take a minute and find out why. Take a breath - remember, we’re typing on an internet site regarding a man’s work. Our eternal destiny and that of the world is not going to be decided here.

Also, regarding letting everyone read every jot and twiddle about this issue. Arrogantly, I say, why is that your business? Forum policies are clearly stated. Is your interest in the decision-making process, are you trying to figure out how not to get banned, or is the need to know driven by more voyeuristic needs? And, less arrogantly, if, for some reason you get on the to-be-banned list (not likely), do you want everyone else reading all of your private messages, both sent and received? And, reasonably, there will be, for some, never enough evidence or proof. There is no smoking gun. It wasn’t one post, one comment, one misstep. It was one member willfully careening down a wrong path.

I’m reminded somehow of the Battle of Azanulbizar; that too, like here, was a Pyrrhic victory if anyone can said to be a winner - our hands truly are too small. davem lost, SpM lost, other members not posting for fear or becoming lost themselves, the Downs creeping towards entropy…others trying to help but realizing that, for some wounds, there is only time and good will. With this post, I’ve burned my dead and am now starting the long sad walk home.

Posted in good will to my brother- and sister- members of the Downs.

alatar, a mod.
There is naught that you can do, other than to resist, with hope or without it.
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