Thread: The Veil Lifted
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Old 10-28-2006, 08:23 PM   #9
Illusionary Holbytla
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Firefoot has been trapped in the Barrow!
"Mum says black cats are bad luck," whispered Raven, glancing furtively at the next house on the street. "'Specially on Barrow's Eve. An' there's a black cat at that house. I see 'im sometimes, looking at me with those big golden eyes..." Her little brother Tucker nodded in agreement, his eyes wide. Raven hoped she hadn't told him too many scary stories. It was their first year guising out on their own, and Tucker would be completely useless if he was too frightened to do anything.

"An' if that cat sees us while we're gettin' treats, it's bad luck for a whole year," said Tucker, remembering this part of her story.

"Unless we can catch it... and... well, first we have to catch it." She couldn't remember what came next, or maybe she was making it up, but Tucker could tell she had a plan.

"So I'm going to go up to her door and say 'trick'r'treat,' and when the lady comes to the door to give me candy, you have to knock on the windows on the side of her house so she goes to find out who it is. And then I'll run in and take the cat if I see it. Just don't let her catch you. Ladies with black cats can make-" Raven glanced around again, as if afraid someone would overhear, then dropped her voice, "evil magic." She straighted. "I'm sure she won't catch you, though. Ready?"


"Let's go, then. You go around the side of the house, and listen for her to open the door for me." After a brief hesitation, Tucker set off across the lawn while Raven bravely stepped up to the front door, noting the Jack-o-lantern as it seemed to leer at her. She shivered slightly, whether from the chill breeze or fear was undetermined. Three times the dark-haired girl dressed like a miniature Elf knocked on the door, saying as loudly as she dared, "Trick'r'treat!"

Last edited by Firefoot; 10-28-2006 at 09:13 PM.
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