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Old 04-19-2007, 07:54 PM   #463
Maundering Mage
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mormegil is a guest at the Prancing Pony.mormegil is a guest at the Prancing Pony.
Kuric moved with speed that belied his massive girth, slamming his right hand down on the driving his metal spikes into the table splintering some of the wood on the table. Gripping his mace firmly in his left, he set his face within inches of Aranholt and through his gritted he managed to speak,

“Ye don’t speak enough and when ye do ye speak the wrong things, if ye can’t speak then don’t sit with me. I’m tired as it is and then you come and annoy me with your prying questions, I’ll warn you once, if ye do it again there won’t be much left of ye to send back to wherever yer from.”

With that he quickly spun on heels, hefted his pack onto his back and began marching through the crowd of people towards the hallway that would lead to his room. He longed for rest; it had been far too long since he had slept in a proper bed, and oft times the hard rock was his bed and the stars his ceiling. This was, after all, a dwarf who, despite his adventurous spirit, was brought up in relative luxury living with the thriving colony of dwarves living under the lonely mountain.

“I’ll be in my room if anybody needs me, though I don’t expect THAT to happen.”

With the emphasis placed on ‘that’ Kuric thought it should be obvious that he did not, under any circumstances want to be disturbed. His interactions in the common room had put him in a foul mood, and despite the ale coursing through him he wasn’t pleased. First, a hobbit who claimed to love adventure had falsely gotten his hopes up and then some young ruffian was asking about his mithril suit. He would need to be on his guard. With that thought in mind he climbed the stairs clutching his mace and making certain that everybody around knew that he had it with him.

Arriving at the entrance to the hallway he turned to glance all in the common room, taking stock of all the new comers. He saw the keeper of the inn busily mopping up a mess he had made. Normally, the sight of an elf in such a plight would have been the cause of great mirth and amusement but even now he couldn’t enjoy such a scene.

“Durned elf, probably deserved it anyway”

He left with that imagine stuck in his head, hoping that it would allow him to be in a bit better mood. He found his room in short order, and true to his word Tollers had given him a rather large room, he would have to ‘thank him’ Kuric thought, which usually meant giving him a little coin.

Kuric immediately sat on the bed and began removing his boots. Placing his ring and necklace on the table in front of him and placing his pack on the ground on the other side of the bed, he lied down, still fully armor clad when he realized that he had better wash up a bit. Putting his boots back on he trudged off down the hallway to the washroom, making sure to lock his door and bring his mace, he could ill afford to be unarmed with such ruffians about as he had just encountered.

Last edited by mormegil; 05-02-2007 at 11:53 AM. Reason: No stairs in the inn
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