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Old 05-02-2007, 12:20 PM   #473
Maundering Mage
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mormegil is a guest at the Prancing Pony.mormegil is a guest at the Prancing Pony.
Kuric carefully inspected himself in the polished metal mounted to the wall, only then did he realize how long it had been since he had taken a proper bath. After carefully weighing all option Kuric decided it best to give his face a good cleaning, at least that way it would be some time before he would need a bath. Dipping both hands in the basin of water he began to forcefully rub his wet hands all over his face in an attempt to clean himself. Having taken no real thought on the matter of properly cleaning himself, Kuric merely smeared the built up dirt and grime about his face, due, in no small part, to the fact that his hands were filthier than his face, though it did help to calm down the infuriated dwarf to a small degree.

Realizing how infuriated he was, Kuric decided it best to properly calm down before heading off for his much needed nap. He placed his wet hands on the counter and leaned into it, helping take some of the weight of his body and gear off his feet. Taking some deep breaths while closing his eyes, though one could hardly tell that his eyes were closed at all as they were seldom seen covered by shadow and a thick brow, brought some much needed calm to him and he finally felt ready to go back to his room.

With a slower and less determined stride than when he made his way down the hall, Kuric made his way back the other way to his room. Despite not being as angry, Kuric’s weight combined with his heavy boots caused the floor boards to creak and groan whenever he walked. Stealth had never been a part of any tactics Kuric employed and would never be able to be part of it, particularly as Kuric had an uncouth habit, owing to his much time spent alone, muttering to himself while he walked. Nothing really important was ever said, mainly gibberish, curses, and maledictions on his current plight, no matter what situation he found himself.

Entering his room, Kuric immediately went and sat himself down on his bed and slowly began to remove his heavy boots. It had been more than a fortnight since their last removal and a rather pungent odor accompanied upon completion of this task. Sniffing the air Kuric mumbled while chuckling to himself, ‘perhaps I should have washed them up too’. Setting the boots aside, Kuric stood and began arranging the bed coverings to his liking. When Kuric began removing his spiked glove to place on the desk where he had placed his ring and necklace that is when he noticed it. Few things could upset Kuric as rapidly and as much as theft. His ring had gone missing, not only his ring but his prized ring at that, though he spoke of such treasures to few, this was a special gift to him from his Uncle Dain, while it wasn’t technically true that King Dain was Kuric’s uncle, Kuric saw little harm in embeleshing the truth just a bit in his favor. Such treasures that are bestowed by a king, such as this ring, were worth more than a small fortune. The wealth of the ring didn’t matter to Kuric as much as the simple fact that it was stolen from him and also owing to the fact of the honor it was to receive such a gift. He had received it for distinguished service to King Dain. Stories abound of dragons’ greed and there hate of theft of their goods, and while these accounts are mainly true, Kuric’s abhorrence of theft from his property rivaled that of the most odious dragon.

He, in an instant, felt his body get hot and lost all rational thought. Quickly grabbing his mace, he sprinted down the hallway heading towards the commons area. In his rush, his mace was flailing wildly, hitting the wall in the hallway, causing many scratches and dents. When he arrived at the entrance to the commons area he let out a terrible yell and smacked the corner of the wall with his mace forcefully splintering the wood and causing a sizeable piece of the corner to break off. With narrowed eyes and a furious scowl, Kuric yelled again, only this time words came out.

“TOLLERS! TOLLERS! Ya said that ye were up fer adventure, grab a weapon lad, we 'ave some thieves and ruffians to hunt!”

With that he sprinted down the stairs directly towards Dick the inn keeper. Few men in Middle-earth could stop Kuric mad and in a dead sprint and even fewer would try. Upon reaching Dick, Kuric yelled again this time with more vehemence and anger. Spittle flying from his mouth and coating his beard he blared.

“What kind of ----- establishment are ya running here? They took me ring, they did and I’m finding ‘em, or it’ll be yer head I take next!”
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