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Old 05-16-2007, 12:01 PM   #118
Mellifluous Maia
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Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: A glade open to the stars, deep in Nan Elmoth
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Rikae is wading through snowdrifts on Redhorn.Rikae is wading through snowdrifts on Redhorn.Rikae is wading through snowdrifts on Redhorn.
The unjust and untimely death of The Sixth Wizard demoralized the Downers terribly.

“Alas! I fear we cannot stay here longer,” said Gil-Galad. He looked toward the mountain of skulls and held up his prop sword. “Farewell, Sixth Wizard!” he cried. “What hope have we without you?”

Xyzzy answered “We must do without hope. Let us gird ourselves and weep no more! Come! We have a long road, and much to do.”

And so the Downers returned to their filming...

The sun was sinking behind the Sierra Nevada mountains, and the shadows were deepening in the studio when the Downers went back to their trailers. Night came beneath the fake plastic trees in the backlot as they walked, and the “Elves” uncovered their silver lamps.

In one trailer, a Downer flipped randomly through a copy of LOTR, then, finding something, sat back and frowned, deep in thought.

Two trailers were watched by unseen eyes that night; but for what purpose I cannot say.

Another Downer was unable to sleep. Mithalwen! Haven't you seen enough horror movies in your long life to know better than to leave the group when there are werewolves about? Alas; dedication to her craft was to be the actress' downfall. She returned to her glorified birdbath to rehearse the Mirror scene one last time...
She did not see the four misshapen figures lurking in the shadows; nor did she see the frayed electrical cord left with its end in the basin of liquid...

With lemonade from the stream Galadriel filled the basin to the brim...

but as she bent over to breathe on it, a grating voice spoke from directly behind her:

“Do not touch the water!”

Mithalwen started and her hand slipped into the electrified liquid.

She began to glow from within; her hair lifted as if by a breeze; her eyes lit up...

..she turned several lovely psychedelic colors by turns...turquoise, green, electric blue...

...the lights in the studio suddlenly went out...

...and the elf queen collapsed in a heap on the floor. Four grinning creatures circled around, eager to enjoy their freshly cooked and sizzling dinner.

When the Downers awoke, they had gained a prop for Shelob's lair; but this did not quite compensate for the loss of Mithalwen...

Day 2 has begun! Wolves, stop PM'ing. Everybody – take it away!!!

The Cast and Crew

Resting in Peace:

Rikae(Mod)–CG Animator, Rendered and Lighted on Night1
The Sixth Wizard(Ordo)–Protester against Dwarven Comic Relief, Buried in Skulls on Day1
Mithalwen(Ordo)–Galadriel, Illuminated...(Electrocuted) on Night2

Hanging in there:

Volo - Gollum
Legate of Amon Lanc - Sound Master/Saruman
Macalaure - The 7th orc in the 3rd row
Boromir88- Sir Boromir, playing Denethor
Shastanis Althreduin - Legolas' stunt double
Durelin - Special Effects Pyrotechnician
The Saucepan Man- Set Catering Manager
Xyzzy - Young Fanboy
Brinniel- Wacky Foley Artist
Thinlómien- Non-Winged Balrog
Anguirel- Celeborn
Kath - Make-up Artist
Gil-Galad - Zombie-Gil-Galad
Aganzir - Smeagol
Rune -Tolkien geek who is estatic about being an Elf extra
Diamond18 - Lady in charge of Wigs and all other False Hairpieces

Last edited by Rikae; 05-16-2007 at 01:05 PM.
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