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Old 06-04-2007, 11:46 AM   #29
Sauron the White
Ghost Prince of Cardolan
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 903
Sauron the White has just left Hobbiton.
davem ... in your latest post I think you perhaps over-characterized and stereotyped many people. I would love to see well written and carefully researched Middle-earth tales which fit in to the historical timelines that JRTT gve us. There are huge and chasmlike gaps that would make for very good stories.
I would like the author selected by the Tolkien Estate and would like that same author to recieve guidance and assistance to make sure the stories keep to the faithfulness of the ME that Tolkien created.

Does that make me guilty of the things you listed?

but it seems to me that those wanting more M-e novels are the same poeple who preferred the movies to the book, & who, as far as the book goes, preferred the Aragorn/Legolas/Gimli storyline over the Frodo/Sam/Gollum one. They probably also prefer playing the computer games over actually reading the books anyway. What they want seems to be to have Tolkien's world turned into a series of hack & slash sword & sorcery 'epics'.

-- I look at the movies and the book as two different tellings of the same story. I do not compare them for quality of "which is best". I try to appreciate and love each for what they are and accept them on their own merits and terms given the constraints and realities of the various mediums.

-- as for preferring one storyline over the other, again I cannot and will not make this choice since both are integral parts of the story. Its like SOPHIES CHOICE - which kid do you want to live?

-- I do NOT play computer games be it Middle-earth based ones or any other type (D&D included) , so I am not guilty of that.

-- I have read the books (LOTR and HOBBIT) at least eight or nine times, SILMARILLION four or five times and the entire HOME at least once with portions being read several times.

-- When I discovered LOTR back in the early 70's, yes I did then try to find other books "like them" and found only garbage and watered down dreck. I have no interest in the sword and sorcery genre.

I have no interest in reading the Professors translations of other books including BEOWULF so perhaps that makes me guilty of some transgression in your eyes. I sorely wish that the time the Professor spent on that project he could have worked more on his Middle-earth tales. But thats just me.
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