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Old 02-27-2008, 11:02 AM   #44
Sage & Onions
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Rumil has been trapped in the Barrow!
Eye Knights errant

Hi Esty,

Took-Brandybuck missing persons search mission, I like it! I guess that Buckland would have been in much turmoil after the Nazgul riding down the gates and Fatty Bolger and his 'Fear, Fire, Foes!'. I wonder if Merry and Pippin were assumed missing in the confusion for a while?

I'd like to think that Merry at least left a letter for his family even if he didn't discuss the details with his father, who seems an unusually perpicacious sort of hobbit.

As for Pippin, I could well imagine,

"Gone off adventuring, back next year with luck, all the best, Pip"

Followed by extreme ructions at the Took household!

I'd think that when all the fuss regarding the Nazgul had died down (and Fatty had been restored to normal by a feast or two) that he would have informed the families what was going on in general terms at least. After all Maggot guessed shrewdly that the black riders were coming to find Mr Bilbo's treasure. Therefore the Shire in general would probably know that Frodo was being chased by the black riders, had left the Shire and was accompanied by Sam, Merry and Pippin. Eventually news would have filtered back from Bree that Merry and Pippin had been there at least and that the Black Riders had attacked. Then they were last seen setting off east with one of those unsavory Ranger types!

I wonder what the Gaffer and Rosie Cotton would have made of all that?

Your point about the Ruffians makes me try and remember when exactly they took over the Shire, can't figure it out at the mo, any idea?
Rumil of Coedhirion

Last edited by Rumil; 02-27-2008 at 11:12 AM. Reason: extra thoughts
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