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Old 06-14-2008, 11:26 AM   #779
Stormdancer of Doom
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mark12_30 has been trapped in the Barrow!
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Aeron and Gwyllion are there to aid them, being ghosts, and this has been their destiny from the get-go.
Adding their "sulkiness" to Tharonwe's "sulkiness" could prove really hellish. Nice touch.

Raefindan brings rain into the spirit realm where Amroth and Nimrodel hold their drama
Washing away all that ash... Ahh, soo sweet. Bringing spring back again? Hold off, don't do it for a while. BUt it will be wow when it does happen.

Mithrellas - osanwë? Should she be Nimrodel's aid the way Erebemlin is for Amroth?
So far she's been signposting: standing back and pointing out what is going on. "Playing Captain Obvious", so to speak,. "She heard you, my lord!" I agree that more would be good but she's been with Nimrodel for a thousand years and has never gotten through yet. BUt Mithrellas knows Nimrodel like the back of her hand and is an invaluable reality-check. EDIT [Maybe she's Raefindan's GUide for part of this.]
Avarien departed too quickly, perhaps. COuld she be lingering Osanwe-wise somewhere near? Hadn't thought of that. Maybe she gets "sent back for a time"-- if she's needed in some way. Gah. Shelving that for the moment.
Ædegard - he's here for Mellondu - but what can he do?
Build wheels. I'm only partly kiddling. THe essence of who he is should play the strongest part. Maybe some fundamentally Rohirric thing will Matter. Maybe just his original befriending of Amroth/Mellondu. THe snowball fight.
Leafa - wow, I really don't know what to do with her past singing.
See above. She was a gypsy? Wisdom about drawbacks of the wandering lifestyle?
Jorje - I'm kind of lost here too.
He's been center stage thus far! He's been great, with Tharonwe.
Taitheneb returns - this is alak's task
Indil/Angela - I'd almost forgotten about her! What might she do?
What would Raefindan expect her to do?
...down to the water to see the elves dance and sing upon the midsummer's eve.
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