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Old 06-24-2008, 04:35 PM   #13
Groin Redbeard
Ghost Prince of Cardolan
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Groin Redbeard is battling Black Riders on Weathertop.Groin Redbeard is battling Black Riders on Weathertop.
1. Shadow Of The Past
The part of the story were we get our first real grasp of what is going on. I loved the way that Tolkien weaved the story where you hear the grasp clippers outside and then Gandalf's narration of his findings.

2. The Bridge Of Khazad-Dum
I can't believe that this chapter hasn't gotten more attention. This is the only chapter in the book that specifically focuses on dwarfs and their great craftsmanship. Also, it's probably the most emotional chapter in the book for me. It takes a lot to get me to get me choked up, but this chapter had me in tears when I read that Gandalf died.

3. The Siege Of Gondor
A nail biting chapter that keeps you on the edge of your seat wondering if the Rohirrim will make it in time.

4. The King Of The Golden Hall
I don't know why, but I just like this chapter. I guess it's because of the way that Gandalf can restore hope to a seemingly impossible situation. Nothing is too tough for Gandalf!

5. The Old Forest
The hobbit's first adventure together, and they tackle it in typical hobbit fashion: they nearly blew the whole thing!

6. The Black Gate Opens
This is where the reader thinks that all hope is lost, Tolkien does an excellent job with the scene between the Mouth of Sauron and the ambassadors of the free peoples.

7. Helms Deep
Just a very well narrated battle chapter. Gimli's and Legolas' game is clearly one of the most memorable moments of the books for me, especially since Gimli won!

8. A Knife In The Dark
This is where Strider's character begins to unfold, and the danger is high. A tense chapter of non-stop hiding, running, and escaping. Stider also helps us with his description of the Nazgul and what they are.

9. Many Partings
A sad chapter where the fellowship and the hero's of Middle Earth take their different paths and never see each other again. It is a chapter where the reader has a chance to reflect on what has happened over what has happened, of the victories and the defeats that the fellowship have had.

10. Council Of Elrond
All the pieces of the puzzle begin to fall into place. Here is where the mystery of the Lord of the Rings ends and the book takes a straight forward view until the end.
I heard the bells on Christmas Day. Their old, familiar carols play. And wild and sweet the words repeatof peace on earth, good-will to men!
~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
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