Ori had listened his time, resisting the urge to interfere in the silly arguments and only once actually blurting out what he was thinking about, that they didn't have time for idle quarreling. Trór annoyed him a little, he was succumbing to the petty strifes instead of concentrating on pressing matters. But Ori would not rebuke his lord twice.
This girl, Kórin, was annoying Ori incredibly. How dare she talk like that? She seemed to be full of herself, crticising others while having nothing better to say either. Such typical behaviour of the womenfolk. But Ori had whatsoever no desire to speak to her, he knew her name and they were taking part in the same council - Ori wondered, though, who on or under earth had invited her - and that was all he wanted to have to do with her, ever.
So he turned to the third one whose behaviour annoyed him, an old dwarf he knew just well enough to call him a friend and said in a low voice:
"Kénan, old friend, questioning Trór's claim to the authority was the worst piece of stupidity I've ever heard from you. What were you thinking of? Balin's death is a hard strike, but don't let it cloud your judgement. It was not Trór who let Balin go and thus caused his death, it was Balin himself who insisted to go alone and you know he was not a man who would listen to what his second-in-command tells him to do instead of what his heart tells him to do."
Ori paused, taking a breath. He blinked the tears from his eyes. "Excuse me, it's just..." He swallowed, took another deep breath, then gave Kénan a sharp look. "I want to ask you, who would you have leading us if not Trór? Think of it, Kénan, there is no one else. We have to put our faith in him."
Last edited by Thinlómien; 01-13-2009 at 03:37 AM.