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Old 02-21-2009, 03:00 PM   #88
the phantom
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the phantom is wading through snowdrifts on Redhorn.the phantom is wading through snowdrifts on Redhorn.the phantom is wading through snowdrifts on Redhorn.
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Originally Posted by Nog
They just have gifts because they can also be attacked at Night (by the Black Queen - and hopefully also by the White Queen).
Yes, I too have been wondering what in the world the White Queen does. Attacking the Werewolves certainly, but in what way? I suppose we'll have to wait and see. If something odd happens, we can begin making decent guesses.

And about the business of the White Gifteds being able to PM if the Bishop spots them... that sort of puts Pawns in a tricky situation. What I mean is, it would obviously be great if the Bishop, Knight, and Rook were able to speak with each other, therefore a Pawn might think it is in the best interest of the game to do everything possible to avoid a dream (so it isn't wasted on them).

But at the same time, Gifteds can prove themselves to some extent, while a Pawn cannot. Late in the game, would you rather have a Seer-dreamed Knight, or a Seer-dreamed Pawn plus a Knight reveal with good supporting evidence? Either way you get a known non-Beast, but the second way you gain the advantage of knowing two people not to vote for.

So really, dreaming of a Pawn is certainly not a great loss from an odds perspective. Though the Bishop being able to tell the Rook exactly who not to hunt and the Knight precisely who to protect does seem to be rather powerful.

So what to do about it? Usually when I am not evil I desperately want to be dreamed of so that I can be trusted, and so that the Wolves will be forced to kill me (I like to exit before the end-game, I hate the pressure of the last couple days, I'd rather be dead at that point). But under this set up a Pawn is tempted to be less selfish and try to avoid the Bishop dream so that it can be used on a better target (either Black piece or White Gifted).

But if someone is obviously trying to avoid being dreamed of (or asks not to be dreamed of)- that looks ridiculously suspicious, and might lead to lynching! And an innocent who knowingly places himself at the front of the lynch line is certainly not doing his part to lynch Werecreatures.

So what we're left with is a scenario in which there is no correct answer for behavior. Not that there ever is just one answer. It's just that this time both choices are so obviously flawed.
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