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Old 03-18-2009, 05:48 PM   #258
Flame of the Ainulindalė
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Originally Posted by Mithalwen View Post
but my heart.... is with the Phantom and lynching him will hurt me more than him
What's happened to you lately? Have you consulted a doctor?

Of those "banterers only" I could vote for, I can only say the following right now.

Mirandir seems to have been the "lynch her!" - person. Calling a lynch for anything and all the time - jokingly of course - but still that seems to have been her modus operandi. I do not think she is a good-willed person but probably a cobbler more than a wereduck/-goose whatever.

Lari has made some interesting things after that banter-phase, like this speculation of a "good-cobbler" which Mac questioned for a reason. I think her explanation of that as a goodie who has more than one vote looks quite terribly fabricated (there was that kind of role earlier but that was not a cobbler) - and in a way something she possibly felt she had to come up with when she thought she was in trouble being questioned. That is no cobbler. Cobbler is something and wants to do the other thing.

The best possibility of a good cobbler I could come up with is one who wants to look foul but to make the case of the goodies behind that foul-mask (and that would require some extraordinary game-mechanics where the trust of the wolves could pay off to the good-cobbler and the village - maybe I'll include one in my next game from this idea?).

But her later idea about her, Nienna and Mira being together with a task from Day2 on looks even more weird. Like she wanted to press the indistinguishability of the three from each other. A wolf would love to make that impression: I am something these two are as well... and we're indistinguishable anyway we three? So you can't choose...

Brinn I really don't know what to say about her. She hasn't basically made any sense and she is one who should be able to do that. *Huge disappointment* I know she's the master-deceiver and manages to look innocent everytime - but she has also been unduly lynched for that a many times. And to get personal: she has been responsible of killing me in quite a many games lately far too early. *bad girl!* (takes back a bit after seeing her last post)

Need to think a minute about this all.

Where are you guys? There are gazillions of people in the invisible mode online but only a few post here so many of you must be around!

Many people have a role eg. they won't post as not to be suspected. Just check who could post and who is not doing it and make your calculations from that toMorrow. (meaning Mith is innocent as well as Brinn - possibly - and what about Legate, Lommy... bad! Unless they come up with a huge post in the near future explaining their silence right now with the fact that they are doing great tasks taking all their attention for hours).
Upon the hearth the fire is red
Beneath the roof there is a bed;
But not yet weary are our feet...

Last edited by Nogrod; 03-18-2009 at 05:52 PM. Reason: Added: and we're indistinguishable anyway we three? So you can't choose...
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