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Old 05-14-2009, 02:00 PM   #503
Shady She-Penguin
Thinlómien's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: In a far land beyond the Sea
Posts: 8,093
Thinlómien is wading through the Dead Marshes.Thinlómien is wading through the Dead Marshes.Thinlómien is wading through the Dead Marshes.Thinlómien is wading through the Dead Marshes.Thinlómien is wading through the Dead Marshes.Thinlómien is wading through the Dead Marshes.
Day7 dawns

Nienna had been waiting for this since Lady Lómiel's death, and now it was there: a soft sound of footsteps approaching her door, a surprisingly silent crashing noise when her lock was broken and a cloaked figure entering. Still laying on her bed, Nienna opened and eyed the person who had entered the room.

I knew it was her... she thought, tightening her grip on the dagger. The cloaked figure stopped and drew her sword.
"You can stop pretending being asleep now," she said. "And I know you're hiding a dagger under your blanket."

Nienna sighed, and stood up. "So, you've come to kill me even though you know I'm well prepared for it?"
The cloaked figure nodded. "Nienna, I'm dead. I've lost everything. I've lost my secrecy, I've lost my reputation, I've lost my husband. What is there for me anymore? Kill me, and I don't have to face the others tomorrow."
Nienna weighed her dagger in her hand. "And why should I take pity on you and kill you?"
"Take pity on me?" she laughed. "I will kill you in any case. It is just a question whether you want to die alone or die as a hero."

Nienna nodded again. "Alright... let's get done it with then. But show me your face first. I want to see what you've become."
The cloaked figure hesitated, then threw back her hood. Nienna examined the features in moonlight, blocking all terror from her face.
"Disgusting," she said coldly. "Lhunardawen, you've sold your soul to the dark."

Her eyes narrowed. "Maybe, but don't think I haven't got anything in return." She lifted her sword to Nienna's throat and the pirate replied by putting the point of her dagger to Lhuna's chest.

"One," said Lhuna.
"Two," said Nienna.
"Three," whispered Lhuna.
"Go!" yelled Nienna and pushed her dagger to the ringwraith's heart the same time she felt a horrible pain and warm blood flowing down her neck.

"You failed," she said. There was no sound, she could only move her lips, and blood gushed from her mouth.
"Yes... but I... I will go to my master now," Lhuna managed to reply before her words turned into a piercing cry and there was nothing else left of her than a pile of clothes and a sword on the floor and a cold wind that blowed through Nienna's room. be continued...


Lommy (mod) - Lady Lómiel Starbrow, the hostess – killed on Night1
Isabellkya (ordo) - lynched on Day1
Kath (ordo) – killed on Night2
Eomer of the Rohirrim (ordo) - lynched on Day2
Kent2010 (ordo) - Black Númenórean scam artist - killed on Night3
Legate of Amon Lanc (ringwraith) - rebelling Haradian King - lynched on Day3
Groin Redbeard (ordo) - Variag Warlord of Khand - modfired on Day3
Nilpaurion Felagund (ordo) - fussy courtier - killed on Night4
satansaloser2005 (ringwraith) – lynched on Day4
Eönwë (ringwraith) – lynched on Day5
Nogrod (seer) - Corsair Captain "The Cat O' Nine tails of Ethir Anduin" - killed on Night6
Rune Son of Bjarne (ranger) - Tivo the Sorceror - lynched on Day6
Nienna (hunter) - pirate - killed on Night7
Lhunardawen (ringwraith) - rebelling Haradian Queen - killed by the hunter on Night7

Shastanis Althreduin (ordo) - King of the Sea
wilwarin538 (ordo) - sorceress
Nerwen (ordo) - Queen of the Sea
Brinniel (ordo)



Congratulations to all ordos and gifteds!

Well done, ringwraiths, you put up a good fight.

Thank you everybody, it was a pleasure to have you playing in my game!


Everybody, dead and alive and even those who did not play, feel free to post now!

I will post a final narration as soon as I get it done.
Like the stars chase the sun, over the glowing hill I will conquer
Blood is running deep, some things never sleep
Double Fenris
Thinlómien is offline   Reply With Quote