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Old 06-15-2009, 10:26 PM   #111
Reflection of Darkness
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Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: Polishing the stars. Well, somebody has to do it; they're looking a little bit dull.
Posts: 2,983
Brinniel is a guest of Elrond in Rivendell.Brinniel is a guest of Elrond in Rivendell.Brinniel is a guest of Elrond in Rivendell.
As th' rest 'o th' crew soundly slept, Lil' Green th' Staggerin' Drunk tiptoed her way into th' galley to find herself some spiced rum. After th' long day, she was not nearly as drunk as she need be 'n bein' sober was just no fun.
"Now whar be that rum?" she mumbled to herself as she sifted through th' galley's supply.
"Lookin' fer 'tis?" said a voice from behind.
Lil' Green turned around to find a shadowed figure leanin' over a barrel 'o rum. Her eyes lit up seein' her much-needed rum.
"Ooh," she started towards th' figure reachin' fer th' barrel. "Gimme some."
"Okay." th' figure let out a large grin.

Then from out 'o th' shadows, more figures appeared. Grabbin' Lil' Green by th' hair, th' aggressors pulled her below just underneath th' openin' 'o th' barrel.
"Get th' funnel," an aggressor demanded.
A funnel was shoved in Lil' Green's mouth 'n th' rum was poured. At first, Lil' Green eagerly gulped below th' rum, but when she could drink no more (which was quite a lot) th' rum still kept comin'. Them eager gulps soon became frantic gurgles. Poor Lil' Green struggled 'n fought against her aggressors, but they were too strong. They cackled 'n jeered as they emptied th' entire contents 'o th' barrel into th' wee powder monkey's mouth.

Th' next mornin' th' crew awoke to a scream comin' from th' galley. All hands came runnin' only to find a very upset Stutterin' Wilwa Scab.
"What be th' matter?" asked Poop Deck Kath.
"Th-th-th' rum be g-gone," th' cook sobbed.
"Oh no," Eön Bloodbeard cried.
"That's not possible," replied an angry Short Ruth Mith. "Thar was a whole barrel here last nightfall."
"Then whar has all th' rum gone?" asked Ham-Hands Izzy.
"I'll bet I be knowin' who drank it," said High-Pitched Annu. "It was that staggerin' drunk Lil' Green. Whar be she anyway?"

Th' crew looked around only to realise Lil' Green was not standin' among them. But it did not take long to find her. Just behind th' empty barrel lay th' body 'o Lil' Green lookin' green as her name.
"Looks like she got a wee bit carried away last night," noted Dancin' Mira.
"I doubt that," said Eomer Bonny. "Looks more like th' aggressors got to her." He pointed at th' bruises on her wrists.

Another Day 'n another death. Another chance to find th' culprits who were killin' them off one by one. But 'tis time they would have to do it without any rum.

Th' corpse 'o Lil' Green let out a loud burp.

The Living:

-Legless Sally Dawkins ~ Carpenter
-Puffy Shirt Rikae ~ Cabin Boy
-Pirate Lommy the Infected ~ Quartermaster
-Gangrenous Inziladun Jones ~ Pilot
-Pirate Boromir the Malformed ~ Gunner
-Stutterin’ Wilwa Scab ~ Cook
-Shark Tooth Shasta ~ First mate
-High-Pitched Annu ~ Surgeon
-Whinin’ Eomer Bonny ~ Musician (Pur-loined Violin)
-Snifflin’ Mac Sparrow ~ Cooper
-Almost-Blind Nerwen ~ Navigator/Sea Artist
-Poop Deck Kath ~ Musician (Pipe)
-Cowerin' Gwath Slasher ~ Powder Monkey
-Pirate Nogrod the Fashionably Late ~ Gunner
-Dancin' Mira Blythe ~ Striker
-Ham-Hands Izzy ~ Striker
-Short Ruth Mithril ~ Cook
-Stinkin' Eön Bloodbeard ~ Powder Monkey

The Ghosted:

-Black Death Brinn ~ Captain ~ shish kabobed (mod)
-Slippery McCabbie Dagger ~ Boatswain ~ danced the hempen jig
-Lil' Green the Staggering Drunk ~ Powder Monkey ~ drank up all the rum

Day 2 has begun. Whether ye be dead or living, ye may now discuss.
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