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Old 01-12-2011, 08:49 AM   #153
Curmudgeonly Wordwraith
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Morthoron is a guest of Galadriel in Lothlórien.Morthoron is a guest of Galadriel in Lothlórien.Morthoron is a guest of Galadriel in Lothlórien.Morthoron is a guest of Galadriel in Lothlórien.Morthoron is a guest of Galadriel in Lothlórien.
Originally Posted by alatar View Post
I'm halfway through "The Deathly Hallows," and it's even more obvious that HP and LotR have very little in common.
  • Dumbledore is not Gandalf. Gandalf only exits the stage for a short time, and returns after Moria to lead the forces of good.
  • Harry is not Frodo. Even though Elijah Wood (in the movies) makes Frodo appear younger, Frodo is middle aged. Harry, on the other hand, is just 17 (at the oldest) and is at times as silly as teenagers come (sorry to all you teens; note that we all go through that stage, even me).
  • Frodo had a goal. He knows that he has to get the ring to the fire, and so heads towards Mordor as best as he can. Harry knows that he's to find and destroy the horcruxes, and defeat Voldemort, not isn't sure how, or where any are, or much of anything. Harry and Hermione spend some of the first half of the book, simply wandering around at random (to avoid being found) while awaiting for something to happen that may allow them to make progress towards their goal.
  • Ron isn't Sam. And neither Hermione nor Ron are Gollum.
  • Harry et al have a tent.
Rowlings admitted to lifting the essence of the Dumbledore and Harry characters from T.H. White's The Once and Future King. I am utterly too lazy and disinterested in this discussion to actually find the interview, but her 2 characters do indeed bear a remarkable resemblance to White's Merlin and Wart, particularly from the first section of the book, The Sword in the Stone.

The orphaned Wart may have had a more kindlier guardian/adopted father in Sir Ector, but his circumstances as a second-class son to Kay are the same as Potter, as is the absent-minded Merlin's tutelage and interest in Wart comparable to Dumbledore/Potter.
And your little sister's immaculate virginity wings away on the bony shoulders of a young horse named George who stole surreptitiously into her geography revision.
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