Thread: Itaril
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Old 10-17-2011, 09:47 PM   #172
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Originally Posted by Inziladun View Post
I don't see the parallel between this and Amy Winehouse. And why have the Dwarves not thus far been the object of vilification? Perhaps because they actually appeared in the book.
Well Amy Winehouse was slammed with hatred not only in life, but after too. And I think the parallel is there's some shock (and probably disgust) at the vitriol that went towards her. Let me make this parallel, Gollum (who's actor, Andy Serkis did make the addiction comparison between Gollum and the Ring). I think Gandalf put Gollum's story the best to Frodo. It's a sad story, and do people really take that much pleasure out of their hurtful language?

The actress playing Tauriel seems worried about any hate that may be swung her way by book fans for actually playing an invented character. I can't see it coming in the way of personal attacks, more of the anger seems directed towards Jackson's decision and the role itself. But then again, you see how much hate can be in a person, and the actress' worries aren't surprising.

I was a bit surprised by some of the comments, and I can still remember some of the old (but brilliantly passionate) flame wars. The surprise is more due to not what was said or whether someone likes the new character or not, but how it was said and the quality. Because it looks like an overreaction to something that...

1. Shouldn't be surprising
2. No one knows what the role Tauriel will have in the movie yet.

With regards to 1. Jackson's invented characters before and his track record shows the characters he invents play a very minimal role. Either to serve as someone's officer or to have some minimal interaction and dialogue when it's needed. It's not much different than inventing characters for a good RPG.

Jackson's already lent several interesting look-ins to the production of the movie and the dwarves. So, I've got to wonder, like Mark, why all the *boom*doom**dums* on the goblin drums, about this person?

I don't know how much of an influx in members will come when The Hobbit comes out, I mean the LOTR movies are what, already 8-10 years old? That's old enough where a whole new age of people will probably be introduced to the story for the first time and will be excited just as many of us were when the LOTR movies were in sight. Love 'em, like 'em, hate 'em, don't care about 'em....whatever, this site will probably get a boost of new and curious fans. A bit of respect and opennessto discussion over the good and bad with the new movies could go a long way to welcoming new members
Fenris Penguin

Last edited by Boromir88; 10-17-2011 at 09:57 PM.
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