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Old 02-08-2012, 06:11 PM   #886
Deadnight Chanter
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Originally Posted by Lalwendė View Post
you can simply download the necessary app for free, to use on your computer, smartphone or spanky android tablet.
I do have FBreading apps on my phones (see up there), but I still think if my kindle broke (I hope it won't), I will still go for a new one (but not a touchscreen, just the keyboard one I have, Kindle 3 that would be) - it just feels like I'm reading a 'real' book when I'm reading with it (specially as I've bought a leather cover to go with it so now I'm holding it with both hands lying on my back - very bookish feeling for me, you know)

As for Amazon's generosity - they always used to be like that. I remember back in 2000 or maybe 2001, one of my orders was late (like, couple of months, maybe three) - so I figured it was lost for good and wrote about it. The replacement was sent to me free of charge - but that's not the point of the story - actually it so happened that original shipment turned up in a couple of months more - so I ended with two sets of identical books for half price. I wrote to Amazon yet again to inform them about it asking for the way of returning extra - the answer was - please do keep it for we value our customers etc etc. Apart from being impressed, I had much less trouble in my birthday gift selection process for my friends that year

Edit: And to keep up the pretense of at least trying to stay on topic - currently rereading Harry Potter with said piece of equipment (which reminds me... I should proceed back to the couch I left my HP-ed Kindle on...)
Egroeg Ihkhsal

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- Yes I'm certain that it happens all the time!

Last edited by HerenIstarion; 02-08-2012 at 06:16 PM.
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