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Old 05-01-2012, 02:15 PM   #3
Riveting Ribbiter
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Join Date: May 2005
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Celuien has just left Hobbiton.
The winding forest path stretched long and dark ahead. In many places, the footpath vanished into tangles of roots and brush, for it had been many days since anyone had passed this way. But today, a cloaked figure moved swiftly along the road, as easily as if it had been freshly cleared, for the path remained etched in memory. Though it had been countless hours since she last visited, the summons to the Barrow Downs was still heard, and Celuien would answer.

Ahead, the path lead to a black door inscribed with glowing green runes. “Password.” Celuien frowned. This password spell had slipped into the far recesses of her memory. To have traveled so far, only to be defeated by a simple bit of door-opening magic!

A frog hopped in front of the doorframe. Simultaneously, the spell hopped to the front of Celuien’s memory. An incomprehensible shout resembling “Daksdnskdjcbfawlerg!” echoed through the woods. The door opened. Celuien joyfully crossed the threshold to set foot upon the Downs once more.

Not far away, an open Barrow door revealed cheerful party banners within. Celuien hurried forward and stepped inside. “Hello! So good to see you again!”
People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect. But actually, from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey... stuff.
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