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Old 09-20-2012, 03:10 PM   #30
Pilgrim Soul
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Mithalwen is lost in the dark paths of Moria.Mithalwen is lost in the dark paths of Moria.Mithalwen is lost in the dark paths of Moria.Mithalwen is lost in the dark paths of Moria.
Originally Posted by TheGreatElvenWarrior View Post
Having found this thread again whilst looking for another thread, I have a few things to say about it that I didn't before.

Recently I had the (not so pleasant opportunity) to experience obsessive from another point of view. Before, I would brag about how obsessive I was, but no more. I now know what obsessive looks from another angle, and it scared me. For a while I was quasi-courting a young man (who was actually rather boring). I tried to ask him things about himself, like what things he liked to do with his spare time, what he wanted to do as a career, what his favourite books were, ect. He wasn't forthcoming with information, and it took me a while to realise why. What I did learn was not only did I find that he was as aimless as anyone could be, but he was also obsessive, dangerously obsessive. After discovering this, it didn't take long for me to distance myself from him. I found what the other side of that feels like, and I was actually rather disgusted. I find myself now telling openly geeky people to "get a life" under my breath, because sometimes you just go over your head in your fandom.

I am now a bit morbidly curious as to the nature of this obsession but I can't see that a literary based obsession is going to be so unhealthy - it isn't like having a vast arsenal of guns and explosives. I suppose if people tip over into thinking it is real but then there is an underlying issue looking for expression. I suppose I got into it as an unhappy adolescent having a miserable time at school and Middle Earth (but not only Middle Earth) was a refuge. Although I have no love for the films they did renew my interest after a long gap (I had read and virtually memorised everything apart from HoME before university and then a 60 book reading list distracted me!!! It may not have been a coincidence that it also coincided with another difficult time in my life and I needed an escape again.

However my pro-obsession argument is that while I may have spent time re reading Tolkien I could have used reading other books but I have been motivated to learn so much other stuff because my interest has been in part piqued by Tolkien directly or indirectly. I was probably one of the few in my cohort who was really enthusiastic about the linguistics component of our degree course, then there was the astronomy evening class and the herbalism... ok I am probably never going to have to kill a troll but as a mental exercise working out how much gold you would need to leaf the roof of edoras and its value in prime horseflesh for a RPG proposal is stretching... let alone the mythology and history (for some reason I only seem to have learned about the Industrial Revolution at school).

What do you know of Tolkien if you only Tolkien know?
“But Finrod walks with Finarfin his father beneath the trees in Eldamar.”

Christopher Tolkien, Requiescat in pace
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