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Old 03-07-2013, 08:30 AM   #1
Pile O'Bones
Join Date: Jan 2013
Posts: 12
EluThingol has just left Hobbiton.
The greatest Craftsman/Smith of Arda

I was thinking about the various skilled entities of Arda..... those who stood by a forge or used tools to craft things of worth, beauty, power, etc, and that includes the fashioning of Arda itself.

Who do you think were the GREATEST of all time, in what order? Here is mine. But I'd like some opinions...


Aule fashioned much of the earth of Arda, I imagine the design and fashioning of much of middle earth and the western lands were put somewhat to his charge. And we know that he spent much of his time at the forge, the first ever to do so, and that in time immemorial he had even created the dwarves. The Nolder learned much of their lore from him directly, and the entire culture of the dwarves follows the great smith. I'm sure that the works of everyone else in this list have a vein in it, of lore and skill, that originates in Aule


Although not a vala or maia, Feanor's accomplishments were so great that not even the gods could understand how he did them. Also, the things he created were of enormous importance to the events that take place in Tolkien's major works. He was considered the greatest of the Children of Iluvatar. The Silmarils alone could stand for this argument.


I was going to put him at #2, but then I thought about it, and other than his sort of "re-invention" of the children of Iluvatar (with the orcs) and "re-invention of arda" (basically just reversing everything Aule and the others did), what did he MAKE? No doubt his implied lore and understanding of craftsmanship, smithing, etc, was literally otherworldly.... but I think for that reason alone he is as high on the list as he is, and not really for his actual creations.


The rings speak for themselves. And of course it is no coincidence that at one point he was under the banner of Aule and must have learned much from him. Following this is his apprenticeship under Melkor.


Father of Nerdanel, Father-in-law to Feanor... and in the beginning one of Feanor's teachers. Of all the Noldor, Aule favored Mahtan most of all, though there is nothing that says of his accomplishments specifically. Still, being a sort of early professor to Feanor and holding the position of "#1 smith " in Aule's eyes among the Children of Eru, he makes 5.

I would love to know if I missed any of the Dwarves but Tolkien didnt seem to point out any one of them individually to take credit for their great works, as Khazad Dhum, or the Nauglamir, etc. It's more credited to "the dwarves" as a group.
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