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Old 06-24-2014, 04:29 PM   #14
Shady She-Penguin
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Thinlómien is wading through the Dead Marshes.Thinlómien is wading through the Dead Marshes.Thinlómien is wading through the Dead Marshes.Thinlómien is wading through the Dead Marshes.Thinlómien is wading through the Dead Marshes.Thinlómien is wading through the Dead Marshes.
Ours Is The Fury

Team Stannis got added into my name? Yesss. There is only one true King in Westeros and it's Stannis Baratheon! Death to the Lannister usurpers!

So without further ado, let me scrutinize you -

Eönwë - house Royce - obviously our ranger and will be the first one to die.
Inziladun - house Tully - since we're in the Riverlands, shouldn't he have been there to protect his subjects? Apparently the Tullys don't care too much about the smallfolk, but I admit they're not big fans of the Lannisters.
Kitanna - illiterate peasant - might be Davos Seaworth in disguise so I'm naturally inclined to trust her.
Encaitare - random peasant - in the world of George R.R. Martin, nothing is random so she's probably a Lannister or Targaryen bastard and bears watching.
Thinlómien - house (Stannis) Baratheon - Stannis not Robert, Stannis not Robert, STANNIS NOT ROBERT, I'm not a Lannister ok???
wilwarin538 - house Mormont - don't the Mormonts breed with bears? Obviously a lover.
Boromir88 - house Bolton - House Bolton? They stab their friends in the back and skin their enemies. Neither is a good option so we should probably lynch him asap.
Loslote - illiterate Tyrell cousin - everybody knows the Tyrells are in cahoots with the Lannisters so we should get rid of her.
Nerwen - house Martell - known for having a grudge with the Lannisters. That looks god in my books.
Galadriel55 - wildling - shouldn't that filth stay beyond the wall?
A Little Green - house Reed - don't have much to say except those frog people seem to know more about everything than us others. Not too happy about that.
WythDryden - house Martell - see what I said about Nerwen.
Eomer of the Rohirrim - house Stark - despite the fact that this game has werelions I'm naturally suspicious of someone who carries a wolf in their banner. Enough said.
Rikae - house Tarth - ah but is she the bear or the maiden fair? Better still not to lynch her yet because a gallant knight might dream of her and want to rescue her and get the bear killed in process.
Macalaure - house Connington - what is House Connington famous for? Being Targaryen loyalists and getting bitch slapped by Lannisters. Maybe we should keep him for amusement value.
Coppermirror - crazy Northern hermit - crazy Northern hermit? So our see... oops, I didn't say anything. Probably no one special.
Nogrod - house Swann - a house famously torn in loyalties. Should be watched.
Colin "Volo" Mute - house (Euron) Greyjoy - Euron Crow's Eye? No relation to the three-eyed crow? Are you serious?
Gil-Galad - First Baker of Braavos - my King kind of owns the Braavosi so I should probably shut up.
satansaloser2005 - random peasant - see what I said about Encai.
skip spence - ex-Lannister Imp - how can you be an ex-Lannister as all they care about is legacy? Surely you are a Lannister or are not. Extra minus for pouring wildfire on my King's head.


Wolves - Skip, Eomer and Sally or Encai, or possibly Nogrod, Lottie or me

Lovers - Wilwa and Rikae

Seer - Coppermirror (or possibly Volo)

Ranger - Eönwë

Hunter - the one of Encai and Sally that isn't a wolf, or possibly Mac

See, I solved the game purely based on ic stuff. Can I have cake now?

Going to bed now, I'm too tired to think about dynamics with a changed hunter and a werebear and their lover. You guys be good and figure it out while I sleep. I'll be back around the European noon and make more sense then.
Like the stars chase the sun, over the glowing hill I will conquer
Blood is running deep, some things never sleep
Double Fenris
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