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Old 05-08-2015, 05:24 AM   #3856
Shady She-Penguin
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Thinlómien is wading through the Dead Marshes.Thinlómien is wading through the Dead Marshes.Thinlómien is wading through the Dead Marshes.Thinlómien is wading through the Dead Marshes.Thinlómien is wading through the Dead Marshes.Thinlómien is wading through the Dead Marshes.
Originally Posted by G55
That combination would be interesting to develop, since all of a sudden W&W (or at least the elder of the two) would lose his status as the "son and heir" of the eorl, seeing as Athanar is no longer eorl - and maybe they would actually start behaving like actual men...eventually?

And Athanar leaving would create the same situation as Athanar coming, but in reverse, and potentially stir old grudges, but this time I think the grudges would be mild and brief, because 1) Athanar leaves in honour at the request of King Eomer to see to another challenging task, he's not just dismissed, 2) Athanar's men saw Eodwine in action and know he's a worthy man, 3) the two households have had time to begin respecting each other and cooperating, and they are above open quarrels for the most part, and 4) bringing up the old tensions is like chewing cud - it's boring to rehash the same story.
Wulfric and Wilheard behaving like actual men? Wow you're feeling optimistic today...

I think a three-year time jump would be a nice compromise for those who might want to see long term character development taking place in their characters and to those who have more pressing matters to solve. I don't see any problem with writing a couple of interludes, eg. with Scyld and Rowenna if there's something that needs to be addressed.

As for what happened during the time jump, feel free to use Wulfric and Wilheard as culprits. Maybe they did something stupid that forced Athanar to take King Éomer's invitation and resign himself and (most of) his household from Scarburg. You know, plotting with the local separationist () lordlings or assaulting kitchen staff who are under Athanar or Eodwine's protection. You name it, they probably did it. And then if we wanted extra trouble, they could reappear to stir up a subplot in the new timeline.

Or maybe they stayed and matured a little, possibly going away on a campaign to Harad or the East with an éored for a year or two, and maybe once they came back Athanar and Eodwine named one of them in an important position in the household upon Athanar's departure? And then that one could have little cockfights with Thornden in the new timeline?

Whatever sounds the best. I mean, writing for those two idiots was great fun but I'm afraid it won't be as fun if they go full chaotic evil or if they grow up, but I'm okay with that. I mean, I haven't written them for years. I won't regret if I let them go now.

(Ackk now I'm thinking, maybe they indeed went on a campaign and Wulfric - the older and bolder one - actually died, and Wilheard returned to Scarburg with his head down, grieved and alone, and his unpredictability hidden but even more dangerous... that could make an interesting plotline for certain.)
Like the stars chase the sun, over the glowing hill I will conquer
Blood is running deep, some things never sleep
Double Fenris
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