NAME: Wilheard
AGE/GENDER/RACE/WHERE FROM: 21, male, Eorling, originally from Edoras
APPEARANCE: Wilheard is a tall young warrior, but a little on the skinny side. There's a hint of gray in his blue eyes and his hair is pale blond. The most notable feature in Wilheard's face is an ugly, ridged scar that runs from his cheekbone to his chin and gives his face something of a permanent sneer.
BITS OF CHARACTER/HISTORY YOU FEEL MIGHT BE HELPFUL IN DEFINING THE CHARACTER: Wilheard is not a kind man, and his quick wit is accompanied by a sharp tongue. Being quiet and self-centered, he usually prefers his own company to that of others, and may seem cold or eccentric to strangers. However, he's not as cool and calculating as you might expect, but rather impulsive and even foolhardy. He is a proficient soldier and has a knack for handling animals.
Wilheard is the younger son of the Lord Athanar, and always expected a military career as the right hand man of his older brother Wulfric. Since their childhood, the two were always stirring up mischief and trouble wherever they went, and they were also very close. On their first proper campaign to Rhűn Wulfric was slain by the Easterlings and Wilheard's life was turned upside down. He is now mourning the loss of his brother and trying to come to terms with his new position as Lord Athanar's heir.
Original bio for Wilheard and his brother Wulfric: [
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