Balan Bard
NAME: Balan Bard
AGE/GENDER/RACE/WHERE FROM: 24 / Male / Man / Near the Long Lake
APPEARANCE (very brief physical description/or as detailed as the player wishes to be): A bit shorter than average. Slightly stocky. Deep brown wavy hair to his shoulders. Wears a beard. Clear blue eyes. Dresses in simple traveling clothes. Not many possessions.
BITS OF CHARACTER/HISTORY YOU FEEL MIGHT BE HELPFUL IN DEFINING THE CHARACTER (again, as brief or detailed as you wish): Balan was orphaned before he got to know his parents. During the War of the Ring, he was taken in by several families, none of which were able to keep him for long, more from circumstances rather than unkindness. During the chaos of the war, he travelled through many places with many people, and when he was old enough to understand, the only details of his birth that survived were than he was born somewhere on the Long Lake and that his parents are both deceased.
After the War, Balan never settled down. At first he traveled with his foster families, then on his own. He began traveling by himself at a fairly young age, and he earned his food through storytelling. Eventually, he made his way to the Long Lake to find the scattered knowledge of his family. None remained, but he met many good people whom he visited in future years. There, he was first named “Balan Bard”, not for his music but for his stories, and he kept the name. Since then he has wandered to the far corners of Middle Earth, going even to those places that most of the Western people avoided. He has seen the lands in the North and some of those in the East.
Balan is good-natured, gentle, and generally cheerful. He has a knack for understanding what goes on in people’s minds. He is honest, but rarely gives a straight answer, especially to a person seeking advice. He prefers to tell tales of his own invention – while he respects history and knows some of it, he leaves it to others. Likewise, he admires music, but has no skill with any instrument himself. He is especially fond of children and reserves the best stories for them.
He has passed through Scarburg Mead Hall once before, two years ago on his way south, by the urgent summons of a friend. He was travelling fast and did not stop even for one night. He remembers little of the people who live there, but recalls the place itself. With the coming of spring he started his trek northwards, to visit his birthplace, and chose to pass through the Riddermark.
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You passed from under darkened dome, you enter now the secret land. - Take me to Finrod's fabled home!... ~ Finrod: The Rock Opera
Last edited by piosenniel; 09-06-2015 at 05:39 PM.