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Old 07-15-2022, 07:39 AM   #6
Overshadowed Eagle
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Huinesoron is battling Black Riders on Weathertop.Huinesoron is battling Black Riders on Weathertop.
Trailer release! I've gone through this with a fine-toothed comb, and at two and a half minutes it's taken me long enough. A few pictures in here to break up the long, long list of shots.

1. Flythrough of a river canyon to a Numenorean city. This is the same as shot #22 in the mini-teaser. Galadriel: "There was a time when the world was so young."

2. Morfydd Clark as Galadriel, looking very Cate Blanchett. I think the music here is the Rivendell theme from Fellowship too.

3. Galadriel: "There had not yet been a sunrise." Cloaked figure walks up a hill, overwhich a white/gold city and a bright light come into view. This shot appeared in the very first image we saw from the series, back in August '21, and it revealed...

3a. ... the Two Trees of Valinor in all their glory, with a city (Tirion? Valmar?) in the foreground. Galadriel: "But even then, there was light."

Fade out to white.

4. Flyover of an unidentified group of ~20 running through a wintry-looking, possibly marshy valley.

5. Similar flyover of 10 figures trudging over a snowy mountain. Over the landscape beyond a Great Eagle soars, beating its wings only once. Song: "Come to me, come to me, lands far away..."

6. Harfoot: "Elves have forests to protect..." Flypast of an elvish city on a forested hillside. Style is like FotR!Rivendell.

7. Harfoot: "... Dwarves their mines..." A beautifully well-lit interior shot of Khazad-dum, including vines hanging from the ceiling and mirrors to fill the space with sunlight.

8. Harfoot: "... Men their fields of grain." A village of thatched wooden houses, with farmers out the front. All very Anglo-Saxon.

9. Harfoot: "But we Harfoots have each other." Shot of the Meeples on a hillside, and then, surprise! The foreground grass is actually a Harfoot in camoflague. She lifts a whistle(?) to her lips.

10. A forest, with Harfoots ("HarFEET!") dancing between the trees. Song: "For I must now wander this wandering day..."

11. Closeup of the Harfoot speaker from the last few shots as she shrugs: "We're safe." I think this is Poppy Proudfellow, but I'm not great with faces.

12a/b. Nori Brandyfoot watches the Meteor fly over and crash. Shots 20 & 21 from the mini-teaser.

13. The waterfall from shot 4 of the first trailer. Elrond: "You have fought long enough, Galadriel." I love the way he says her name here.

14a/b/c. Galadriel and Elrond standing in the snow. She glowers at him, stabs her sword into the ground, and then there's a wide shot of them both.

15. Elrond in a forest setting: "Put up your sword."

16. Galadriel looking at Elrond in the same scene. She is wearing the simple white dress from her swanship scene in the mini-teaser.

17. Group of torch-bearing figures in a blizzard. Galadriel: "The enemy is still out there."

18. Galadriel in sunlight: "The question now is where?"

19. Torch-figures in a ruined underground city.

20. A long shot of a white city built into a cliff. Could be Numenor, or maybe Tirion again.

21a/b/c. Elrond and Galadriel, in the forest setting from a few shots ago. E: "It is over." G: "You have not seen what I have seen." E: "I have seen my share."

22. Galadriel on red, with sparks flying past. She looks to be covered with mud or something else. Galadriel: "You have not seen..."

23. This:

There is water above the figures and buildings, which probably makes this either a flashback to Alqualonde, or her vision of the fall of Numenor.

24. Galadriel looking very pointed: "... what I have seen."

25. A Numenorean ship sailing into harbour. Its sails evoke stylised wings.

26. The harbour in Numenor and grand statue; I think we've seen this shot before but I'm not sure where.

27. Elves under a tree at night. Gil-Galad: "Darkness will march..."

28. Gil-Galad close-up: "... over the face of the Earth."

29. Elrond turns in alarm.

30. Torchbearing Orcs - an army of them. They may be led by a black-haired elvish-styled figure.

31a/b. The swanship, and Galadriel on it. Shots 8 & 10 from the mini-teaser. Gil-Galad: "It will be the end not just of our people..."

32a/b. Gil-Galad: "... but all peoples." Miriel walks down a street as petals/snow fly past, then looks up at the fall. The first half is shot 18 from the mini-teaser.

33. Nori and another Harfoot with sparks around them.

34. The Stranger, very out of focus, looking at his hands in a similar setting.

35a/b. Elrond with Dwarf escort looking around as they walk through Khazad-dum. Dwarf: "I am sorry."

36. Dwarf: "But their time has come." Durin III [sic] talking to someone.

37. Durin IV smashes a rock. Shot 17 of the original trailer.

38a/b. Elrond hanging off the icy waterfall, just like Galadriel in the first trailer. I guess they were in it together!

39. Viggo??! No, wait, it's Elendil, in a grand audience chamber, looking like a mess. Arondir: "The past is with us all."

40. Arondir (finishing his line), in what looks like a mortal house, complete with aging peasant.

41a/b. The ride of the Rohirrim... er, no, of Galadriel's cavalry from original trailer shot 9. Elendil: "The past is dead."

42. Two Harfeet hugging. One is Nori.

43a/b. Flashes of the raft in a storm.

44a/b. Numenorean ship on the high seas. Isildur on its deck. Elendil: "We either move forward..."

45a/b. Elendil and Galadriel riding along a beach.

46. Elendil, by a fire, looking at someone who might be Isildur. Elendil: "... or we die with it."

47a/b. Numenoreans cheering Pharazon.

48. One of the cavalry grabs a spear. Is it Elendil?

49. Durin IV holding up a jewel. Durin IV: "This could be the beginning-"

50. "-of a new era." At least four elf-men in Noldorin armour draw swords in a ritual manner under a dome and a starry sky:

Speculation says "Oath of Feanor" and honestly I'm convinced and also aaaaaaa.

51. Arondir(?) fighting a wolf. At least one of them is chained.

52a/b. Galadriel fighting a troll. Might be the same ruined city from earlier.

53a/b/c. The Stranger in the Meteor crater. The fire whooshes into him, and looks very Eye of Sauron-y while it does so.

54. Four Harfeet walk across the landscape. Song: "Away I must wander, this wandering day."

Oof, I'm exhausted! Thoughts will come later.

Have you burned the ships that could bear you back again? ~Finrod: The Rock Opera
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