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Old 08-31-2022, 02:09 PM   #9
Michael Murry
Haunting Spirit
Join Date: Dec 2012
Posts: 85
Michael Murry is a guest of Tom Bombadil.
Itaril - Tauriel - Sildenafil - Galadriel

Originally Posted by Galadriel55 View Post
Me *trying to follow the Downs in between work*:
His work on Sildenafil though is known only to much smaller circles.
Good call out on Sildenafil. I had a lot of fun with that one eleven years ago when Peter Jackson set about casting for a "warrior" female elvish love interest for his "Hobbit" films. He thought he needed a fan-fic/Mary-Sue combination Arwen/Éowyn that Tolkien didn't write anything about so he started out with "Itaril" (later abandoned for "Tauriel") which name I thought suggested creative interpretive possibilities latent in the side-effects of prescription drugs:

Elvish Erectile Dysfunction

Haunting Spirit
Join Date: March 2011
Posts 63

The very name of the character sounds like a synthetic drug with numerous debilitating side-effects, something like Sildenafil: a drug first developed to treat angina but, because of its unanticipated side effects, marketed instead as an oral treatment for erectile dysfunction -- notwithstanding "reports of vision loss in people taking PDE5 inhibitors" (Wikipedia).

Since Tolkien's Elves have pretty much given up on Middle-earth and haven't reproduced much in several thousand years, the whole concept of "young" elves who "fall in love" with each other (before catching the last boat to the Undying Lands) sounds too ludicrous to contemplate. Nonetheless, even the ridiculous can inspire poetic -- if not pharmacological -- possibilities. Consider:

What cheesy swill:
A damsel dim and shallow.

Viagra for the fallow.

Progammed to kill,
Yet gooey as marshmallow.

An elf-chick thrill,
Synthetic, sick, and hollow.

A bitter pill,
Impossible to swallow.

Michael Murry, "The Misfortune Teller," Copyright © 2011
For my part, since I do not willingly contribute to the Jeff Bezos Amazon TV thing I will leave to other, more masochistic souls, the task of viewing and reporting on this series of "based-on/suggested-by" presentations. Hopefully, some creative poetic interpretations will suggest themselves and I can have some more polemical fun with this stuff.
"If it was so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be; but as it isn't, it ain't. That's logic." -- Tweedledee
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