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Old 11-06-2022, 08:48 PM   #4
Michael Murry
Haunting Spirit
Join Date: Dec 2012
Posts: 85
Michael Murry is a guest of Tom Bombadil.
A mangled Myth, mouldering at the Morgue

Speaking of autopsies -- an exquisitely appropriate term -- I caught this from the comment section of a movie-review YouTube channel, only one of the many I visited looking for postmortems on this cultural cadaver:

“… Now look at RoP. Galadriel is exactly the same callous, single-minded, revenge-driven asshole at the end of the series as she was in ep1. Actually, no. She's worse. Because now, she has actually discovered who the enemy is and smoked out his intentions... and chooses to tell no one.

All to protect her own reputation. All so she can maintain an air of authority and superiority over her peers, because if they knew the truth, her name would be mud, and she'd be nowhere near the decisions taken to forge the rings, how many there would be, and who'd get to bear them. She shouldn't be like this. I don't think they meant for her to be like this. Her character writing feels shallow, rushed, and poorly thought out and now, there's a big disconnect between how the audiences feel about her and what the writers intended.

She tells other characters to be humble, while she's brash, condescending, and arrogant. She tells others not to pursue vengeance when that's all she cares about pursuing. She talks about the importance of saving lives in the Southlands, but she's never shown saving a single person. She's shown threatening to torture and murder Adar's orcs if she doesn't get her way and she's shown walking away from the volcano blast when others are screaming around her, begging for help. Then the showrunners assert that if you don't find yourself liking her, or find yourself uninterested in her character, it's your fault. You're the problem.

She's not like Boromir. Not written like him. Not developed like him. Not treated with the same care, thought, and humanity his character was treated with. She's a statue, standing still in spiteful, vengeful self-righteous self-service. Just like she was at the beginning of the series.
So many more like this, but all-in-all some really good material for a poem: Miss Congealed Hostility. So far, I've got a title, theme, and a few introductory stanzas. More on this as time permits.
"If it was so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be; but as it isn't, it ain't. That's logic." -- Tweedledee
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