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Old 06-24-2023, 02:36 PM   #3245
Alassė Estel
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Join Date: Jun 2023
Location: Treading the Narrow Way
Posts: 198
Alassė Estel has just left Hobbiton.
Silmaril I assign...

All Snakes.- Also known as "Satan's Tape Measures" or "Nope-Ropes"

All Spiders- Yes, even the ones that 'eat harmful pests'. THEY are harmful pests.

Intense Study Of The English Language At The Age Of 10- Don't diagram the sentence any more! Just put it's mutilated corpse to rest!

Rats- You can say what you like, I still think they were responsible for the ol' Bubonic.

Ads- The others might be controversial, but we can all agree that the orcs deserve to be interupted every 90 seconds by The Mouth of Sauron's ad for re-election.

The Legolas-Tauriel-Kili Love Triangle- This one needs no explanation.

The Mithril Subplot- I was going to just assign Rings of Power, but I don't really want to offend people who might have enjoyed it (after all, I enjoyed Peter Jackson's The Hobbit movies), so I will just assign my most disliked part. I mean, think about it. It would be like if someone said:

A: "We are all dying from cancer, but I have the cure.... It's gold!"

B: "Well, okay. It seems kind of odd that a generic metal, however valuable, just happens to cure cancer. But this is going to save thousands of lives! So let's get busy. I mean we are going to need to adminster this cure to the entire population. Wait, are we going to inject them or do they eat it."

A: "Uh, neither. They just have to be exposed to it. Bathed in it's light."

B: "Okay, that's a bit strange. But, great! Wait, what about the people who have already been around gold?"

A: "Well, I guess they are good to go."

*some time later*

B: "We don't have enough gold. We just have this one little piece. So, I am thinking we just line 'em up and hold it up, they just walk by and Bam! Immune to cancer!"

A: ... Orrrrr, we could just forge like, three rings or something, and three of us get one and Bam! Immune!

B: Oh, yes. Three of us having golden rings will definitely cure the entire population of cancer.
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
John 3:16
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