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Old 12-04-2005, 09:09 PM   #40
Feanor of the Peredhil
La Belle Dame sans Merci
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Join Date: Feb 2003
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Feanor of the Peredhil is a guest of Elrond in Rivendell.Feanor of the Peredhil is a guest of Elrond in Rivendell.Feanor of the Peredhil is a guest of Elrond in Rivendell.
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Alli was the first to leave the van... at least if you didn't count the lawyer. She pushed her way past everybody and opened the door, climbing out into the air. Suddenly a tall man in a business suit was looking down at her, shaking her hand, and informing her how pleased he was to see her. Before she could say a word, he had showed her an official looking document with a lot of fine print and an impressive looking signature with a rather large number of loops and squiggles that seemed to spell out "Anakron" or at least "Anakin"... or perhaps it said "A Napkin"? Wait... she thought, napkins aren't impressive... at least not if they aren't finely woven fabric delicately embroidered and trimmed with the best Lothlorien Lace... and he'd slung an arm around her shoulders and was forcibly leading her away from the van. A little bit motion sick and still recovering from her run-in with claustrophobia, Alli could do nothing but cast a longing look toward her companions as she was pulled farther away from them and through a large pair of iron doors into the pretentiously decorated, not to mentioned pronounced, foyer of a truly tall and somewhat shiny building with a large gold music note on the front of it.

She ignored his self-aggrandizing speech as he guided her down many twists and turns. How could a building that had such boringly square architecture on the outside have hallways that actually curved in such random directions? she thought. She was lost quickly but recognized the portraits of a few famous musicians on the walls. Madonnarwen gazed down from her portrait like a virgin clad in white silk. Aikenamir looked down at Alli from the second place in the long line of pictures and she shivered to see a somewhat creepy looking photo of the ever famous Jack son of Michel of the city of Nevilind.

Suddenly the man turned and opened a door, pushing her through it and slamming it behind her. She looked around nervously, wondering where she was. Loud music came on suddenly and stage-lights began to flash. Alli looked around, slightly terrified, and saw that she was surrounded by a dozen scantily clad dancers gyrating to the music. Suddenly a bleached blond clad in slightly less than her backups walked slinkily toward Alli. She beckoned sexily, singing accusing words at her.

"I see you looking at me like I'm some kind of freak."

Alli was terrified. The lights were flashing like a storm had come indoors. The music was loud, the dancers were everywhere, and this woman was speaking to her.

"Get up out of your seat. Why don't you do something?"

"But I'm not sitting!" protested Alli. "And I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing! Where am I?" she yelled over the music.

Suddenly the blond singer motioned to somebody off stage and the music cut. The lights turned on and Alli saw that she was standing in the middle of a stage, surrounded by irate dancers. The singer was yelling at a stage manager. Alli caught a few words as she looked around speechlessly.

"... not in costume... unprepared for work!" Alli looked over as the woman gesticulated toward her. She was about to sneak offstage and hope she wasn't noticed when she heard one of the dancers gossip to another.

"Brit's just mad because the new girl is prettier and looks better in leather."

At this, Alli snickered and decided that enough time had gone by when she wasn't in the control of the situation. She left the stage, pulling the man that the singer had been complaining to with her.

"I've had enough of her attitude." Alli complained to him with her hands on her hips. "If Brit can't handle my presence on stage, she can work with somebody else. Doesn't she know who I am?"

Though the man had no idea who this raven-haired diva was either, he knew better than to argue with one of the company's stars, and she certainly acted like a spoiled one. It was better to get fired for following orders from one of them than to get fired for ignoring them. Quickly the stage was cleared. Alli watched Britney Spears get dragged from the theatre with a deeply satisfied look on her face. Within moments, she was standing alone with the man. "Send for my backup singers." she demanded. "They are in this building somewhere. Ask for Mardil and Sai. I want them here yesterday. And I want a bottle of Dasani, a vegetarian sub, and an I-pod with a lot of heavy metal music on it."

As he scurried off to do this fantastically bossy new artist's orders, she sat happily in the middle of the darkened stage hoping and praying that she didn't run into the blond singer again. She doubted that the woman would be happy with her having her kicked out of the theatre.
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