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Old 10-25-2009, 05:43 AM   #150
Shade of Carn Dûm
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Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 347
Laurinquë has been trapped in the Barrow!
Name (that you go by): Robyn, though some people call me Lauri, Robyna, Bunny, or even Woeback.
Age: 17.
Occupation: Bored high school senior.
Future Aspirations: To graduate from high school, have enough time/chaperones/money to go to the British Isles with TheGreatElvenWarrior next summer, and to study botany at a university in the UK next year.
Goal in life: To be happy. To get an education, a job as a horticulturist, and to travel and travel and travel. And maybe to get married and have a child. Who knows.
Short term goals: Getting up in the morning and finishing my homework. And also to get a time machine.
Passion: TGEW knows! But for the rest of you: travel, flowers, being an anglophile, reading, internetting, and imagining.
Hobbies: Internetting! And other things like: reading, gardening, learning words, being outside when there is something other than snow to see, and being a nassty Paul McCartney fan girl!
Famous for (okay this is where you get to brag about yourself): Being eccentric, for knowing 'all' about the natural sciences, and for being an intolerable Tolkien fan and anglophile.

Fave book: Ah hem. Why am I on this website? Also: The Red Tent, Siddhartha, and historical fiction in general.
Fave movie: I'm really rather fond of the Beatles film Help! as well as Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, and Across the Universe.
Fave sport: I did some fencing last year. It was great fun pretending to battle the Nazgûl!
Fave store: Barnes & Noble bookstore. Why? I'm not sure, after all it takes all of my money anway.
Fave music: The Beatles (if you hadn't noticed already!), Dido, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Coldplay, and *ducks* ABBA.

What you can't stand: Close-minded people, violence, cold and darkness, those who don't like reading, proofs, and people who value development over the preservation of nature.
What you plain dislike: Writing non-fiction rubbish for school, interacting with people who I don't know, falling into bottomless pits, maths, my spontaneous combustion on the second Tuesday in May, etc.
Who you admire: Lommy! And anyone who has the courage to stand up and do what they think is right, whatever it is.
What you most love to do: Be outside on a nice day with my best friend.
Your self-confessed flaws: Procrastination in the extreme and sloth.
What intrigues/fascinates you: Everything! But to be more concrete: evolution, geology, botany, genetics, psychology, and the past.
What scares you: Icebergs, they give me panic attacks. Things in deep water, thinking about the passage of time, the London Underground, and the Empty Child.
Quotation to live by: "Be yourself, whoever you are."

Additional comments: I'm incredibly brilliant only not really. Also that it's 3:30 AM and I have to get up to work as a barrista tomorrow.

Last edited by Laurinquë; 10-25-2009 at 09:31 PM. Reason: Oh you know, the usual. Mars, volcanoes erupting under my house every hour, loquacious books.
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