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Old 10-23-2002, 03:17 PM   #31
Posts: n/a

Vala...i would've posted this before but i haven;t had the chance so here it goes..

I know exactly how you feel....I have always had some vague memory of a past life. I have always felt i was put in this time periid on accident. I have recovered 2 so far one form a very distant past like yours and one kind of recent. My recent one i believe i was someone during the Holocaust. My mother has told me i was always afraid of some strange things when i was little, I was afraid of chimney stacks that had smoke comming out of them (cremetoria stacks back then). I also have a fear of barbed wire and cannot drive by prisons withiout getting goosebumps and beign scared to tears. When I watch some movie about the holocaust it only takes about 5 min before the tears come...its especially hard when i have to watch one in school because when they give descriptions of the camps i can see them completly in my head. My friends would ask me why i got so teary and it was hard to tell them because these were memories. This was all before i started doing deep research into the holocaust about a yeear ago.

I have recently maybe a little shorter in time than you have, began to have these dreams about ME or someplace like it. They are vague and i cant tell you much right now but i have these dreams almost every night...I haven't been into LOTR for long so that can't be an excuse for these "memories" that i am having.

Thats all i Have for now.

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