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Old 03-10-2003, 04:49 AM   #10
Posts: n/a

Balin came into the inn a late night and asked for a room.
He had been riding his pony the whole day and was very tired.
He sat down and had a ale.

He felt very lonely that night, the other guests at the inn had already go into their rooms to have some rest.

Then another dwarf came in and sat down beside Balin.
"Your late, Derin..", said Balin, a bit annoyed.
"Yes, Im sorry for that", Derin said slowly.
"Isnt your brother Merin coming too?", Balin asked.
"Oh yes, hes just talking to the roomservice. The rooms we orderd is taken by elves!!"
"Dont be to hard to the elves. Its probably just a missunderstanding."
"Its no rooms available for you...Im really sorry", they heard the roomserviceman say to Merin.
Balin got a bit angry when he heard that.
He pushed away Merin and said; "Im sorry, but we ORDERD the rooms!"
"And who are you, little dwarf", the roomserviceman said and was getting a bit annoyed.
"I am Balin Lightningteeth, and this is my friends Derin and Merin. We have orderd rooms and we DEMAND rooms right now!"
"Yes, yes! I will see what I can do, little masters.", he said.

The roomserviceman got them a room to share.
Balin got angry but Merin stopped him from syaing something stupid.
After the nights troubles they felt very tired and fell asleep immediatley.

The next morning they walked down to have some breakfast and saw that the elves that got their orderd rooms were sitting and laughinng and made fun of Balin and his temperament to the roomserviceman.
Balin got so mad he just walked down to the first elf and was trying to hit him in the face but Merin and Derin stopped him.
"You damn elves!!", Balin shouted.
And I dont know if the elves got scared for Balin or something but they just raised from their charis and walked away.

Balin looked mad after them.
"Calm down Balin", Derin said.
They sat down and got breakfast.
But then a little hobbit came in and looked have walked a lot.
He walked right on to the bardisk, got an ale, and sat down beside Balin.
"Hello little friend", Balin said. "May I ask where you are from?"