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Old 04-28-2003, 05:12 PM   #13
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: With Gambit, ambushing VanimaEdhel, most likely
Posts: 117
DayVampyre has just left Hobbiton.
The Eye

“Instead of the half-one you’ve got, thief-girl?” Ajada grumbled, and threw her hands in the air. “Honestly…you’re a bloody-minded savage, and I hope whatever is killing people in Fangorn kills you. I wouldn’t be surprised if you had something to do with an assassination attempt on the king!”

"Listen here," Avery said, becoming more serious, looking this Ajada right in the eye, "I have a name, it's Avery, and you'll do well to use it. Further more, if there had been a assassination plot against your precious king, he would have been dead by now. The only reason anyone saw me take that fruit was because I have a few drinks under my belt already." Avery finished taking a drink, still eyeing Ajada.

"So, what are you anyways, seeing as you're already familiar with mine line of work?" Avery said nochanlantly.

The pub around them was mostly empty, just a few of the dreggs had dropped in for their usual pint. A few hanging lanterns were placed sparsely around the tavern giving the place a smokey glase. The barkeep seemed to know how to keep himself out of other business and served up strong drinks in a oddly quick and efficient manner. There were a few rickey tables and wooden booths along the walls. There were about six stools but only three were unoccupied, seeing as Avery and Ajada were taking up space at two and an old, stubblely drunkard, draining away a pint down at the end of the bar. Avery was used to this and she had been in worse, but Ajada, she seemed to be ill at ease with the surroundings.
~~Your finger hired the crew?
~No, that's silly. The man who lives in my finger hired the crew, Mr. Bimbol.
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