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Old 06-13-2010, 04:56 PM   #186
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Originally Posted by Shasta
But you specifically said that she "wasn't really that suspicious", so I'm not seeing why you decided to vote for her. And saying that since you voted a Morph instead of the Seer, you're innocent, doesn't work because neither BG nor Sally's roles were known at the time.
Well I had been planning to vote for BG, cause her vote did look suspicious, but then she explained, I understood and had no back up and like 20 minutes to choose someone. Sally also had a weird vote, and I wouldn't have voted for her if I had had anyone else to vote for, but I was not going to jump on a bandwaggon that I didn't agree with. My point is that, yeah we didn't know the roles at the time, but I still had the best vote! And that's really frustrating, cause I think the BG voters should be looking way worse, since the girl was clearly just confused and her explanation made sense, but a bunch of people were jumping on her without really taking the time to try and understand what she was saying, it was a bad bandwaggon, and it sucks that me being a part of it may have actually made me look better than me voting a wolf!

K. I'm done for real this time. My Day 1 votes just always come back to bite me no matter what, and it's driving me nuts.

I hadn't thought of modfire for Mira's death, I guess that does make the most sense.

I'm going to go back and re-read the last page from Day 1, cause to me people who voted BG look bad and I want to see which of them looks worse. Then maybe I'll make a list.
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