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Old 02-24-2003, 10:04 PM   #129
Ghastly Neekerbreeker
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: the banks of the mighty Scioto
Posts: 1,751
Birdland has just left Hobbiton.

The assembled rescuers peered up at the dark, befouled towers of Gol Dullor. The source of the befoulment was evident from the vast flocks of crebain which had made the towers their home for generations. They would have really preferred a paint job, but the budget was tight, so they made due with what they had and claimed that it made a "statement".

Suddenly a great, winged creature peeled off from the flock and folding its wings, stooped with claws extended, falling down on the heads of the Itship as it screamed:


But another Crebain quickly descended after the first, and gently grasping her by one wing, led her gently over to a nearby dead tree. He sat her down, patting her shoulder gently while she looked around frantically, wringing her hankerchief in a nervous manner.

"Now lovey, we've discussed this all before, remember. We're "cre-bain". And what do crebain do?"


"Nooooo-no-no-no-no, my silly genetically insane love fledgling. Crebain are car-ri-on eaters. We never-ever-wever do the actually killing, now do we?"

"No kill?"

"That's right! We let the Orcs kill them, then we eat the corpses. And we know how much you love your corpses, don't we? Which is why you no longer have quite the girlish figure I knew when I married you."

"Eat the corpses?...EAT! EAT! EAT!"

"Yes, my darling wittle basket case. All the corpses you'd like."


"Your favorite part, my love."


"And then suck out the brains. That's right. Oh, you do remember! Now: you sit tight right here, and I'll go tell Gravlox about the intruders. And no sooner than you can say "regurgitate", those Orcs will have dinner all ready for you. Can you do that for me, my funny little half-wit?"

The cre-wife nodded her head up and down vigourously, and was continuing to do so as her long-suffering nestmate flew off to inform his Orc masters of the situation. After which he snuck off to the other side of the forest, where he was keeping a certain younger, understanding jackdaw in a love nest.

The rest of the Crebain started to make reservations.
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