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Old 03-09-2003, 08:23 AM   #147
Ghastly Neekerbreeker
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: the banks of the mighty Scioto
Posts: 1,751
Birdland has just left Hobbiton.

"Yes, Mithadan, and while you are at it, perhaps you could ask for your own ancestor to return from his voyage in the skies, and arrange to have Gondolin raised from the sea."

Bird stood leaning against the doorway, a steaming mug of tea in her hands, and an expression of disapproval on her face to match the tone of her voice. Mith quickly reached for the robe laying by the tub and wrapped it around him. "Woman, don't you ever knock?"

"Oh, now we're all worried about the proprieties, are we? After crossing the borders of a land protected by the edict of the King, wrestling with a Vala, snatching the Ringbearer back from the his time of healing in the West, and calling Cami back from her chosen time to offer her a hopeless respite from her duties?"

Bird stalked into the room, grabbing a towel from a bench and tossing it towards the head of the man. She sank down on the bench, and sighed, looking suddenly older than her years, and tired. Staring down into the contents of her cup, as if it were her own Mirror of Seeing. Without looking up, she said softly to the tall Elf, "Pio, what have you done here? Or is any of this even your doing? Have any of you asked just why all of this is occuring?"

"None of this could be happening - should be happening! Why are we all here again, in a land that is forbidden to us, and Cami a time that is no longer her own? 'Tis a sweet story: love denied will, by the Grace of the One, suddenly be granted, if only for a short time."

"But nothing comes without cost, and I have to ask: at what price? Why suddenly this interest in our own small doings? Before you treated a servant of The One as if he were a drunken drover, perhaps you might have taken the time to inquire just what cost He will demand from us for this "boon" to Cami and Maura?"

"I mislike this Pio. I mislike all of this. But I am here, as are you all, and I just have to ask: why?"

[ March 09, 2003: Message edited by: Birdland ]
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