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Old 09-09-2001, 03:27 PM   #79
Shade of Carn Dûm
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Re: Maeglin's Treachery

<u> Maeglin's Treachery</u>

The main difference in this part of the tales are differing accounts of how Morgoth discovered the location of Gondolin.

In FG Melko is made suspicious by hearing reports of a Man, Tuor, wandering in this area and sends out his spies to investigate. They discover the Way of Escape through some captured Noldoli, capture more Noldoli within the Way of Escape, and finally scale the Encircling Hills and behold Gondolin.

In the latest account WH Morgoth discovers the region in which Gondolin probably exists by the despairing cries of Húrin to Turgon where the former entrance to the Way of Escape stands. But no spy can come within sight of Gondolin because of the Eagles. The Way of Escape is shut; and even when it was open, few or no Noldor who were not of Gondolin ever passed that way or knew Gondolin's location.

In both accounts Morogth's winning of Maeglin is the final key to his assault. But in FG this occurs soon after Eärendil's birth and Morgoth only then begins preparations for the assault which occurs about six years later. In the later accounts Maeglin's captivity occurs when Eärendil is six, and the attack on Gondolin follows during the next year.

Accordingly the account of years of preparation by Morgoth must either by condensed into a single year, or have started when Húrin first revealed the approximate location of Gondolin. Since Tolkien insists in WH note 30 that Morgoth did know well Gondolin's location at the time of the capture of Maeglin and that what Maeglin had to promise was to undermine Gondolin's resistance, it appears likely to me that the preparations have in fact been long underway.

Codes for my sources are as follows:
FG &quot;The Fall of Gondolin&quot; from The Book of Lost Tales 2 (HoME 2).
Q30 &quot;The Quenta&quot;, written in 1930, from The Shaping of Middle-earth (HoME 4). Quotations are from §15 and from §16 in the Q2 where it exists, otherwise th Q1 version.
WH &quot;The Wanderings of Húrin&quot; from The War of the Jewels (HoME 11).
QS77 Quenta Silmarillion as published in The Silmarillion edited by Christopher Tolkien in 1977.

The following symbols are used:
[ ] Normalized, usually used for proper names indicating they are here in final form, not as in original text. Eg. &quot;[Huor]&quot; probably represents an original &quot;Peleg&quot;, &quot;[nor]thward&quot;, represents original &quot;southward&quot;, and &quot;[']&quot; represents original &quot;&quot;&quot;.
&lt; &gt; Material inserted from secondary source. If more than one secondary source occurs in the passage then a code appears after the opening angle-bracket, eg. &quot;&lt; QS77 &quot;.
{ } Material to be deleted.
<u>Underline</u> Material inserted for grammatical reasons or as editorial bridge.

Each section of text is given a recgnition code using FG- for &quot;Fall of Gondolin&quot; followed by M for &quot;Maeglin&quot; followed by a two-digit number.

Because of the complexity of this account which skips around in the texts the following sections cover the entire output text, with omissions only occurring within a section where they are indicated by ellepsis. There are no gaps between the sections.

I begin just after the birth of Eärendil and the description of his beauty.

FG-M01 (QS77): Gondolin revealed.<blockquote>Quote:<hr> <u>N</u>one knew that the region wherein the Hidden Kingdom lay had been at last revealed to Morgoth by the cries of Húrin, when standing in the wilderness beyond the Encircling Mountains and finding no entrance he called on Turgon in despair. Thereafter the thought of Morgoth was bent unceasing on the mountainous land between Anach and the upper waters of Sirion<u>.</u><hr></blockquote>This is almost certainly an editorial insertion by CT based on the account in WH but may be retained as it states only what we know must be the case. We don't have the freedom to create one as good by ourselves out of fragments.

FG-M02 (FG): Morgoth sends spies.<blockquote>Quote:<hr> And {he} <u>Morgoth</u> got together a mighty army of spies; sons of the Or[k]s were there with eyes of yellow and green like cats that could pierce all glooms and see through mist or fog or night; snakes ...
... to search out the dwelling of the Noldo[r] {that had escaped his thraldom} <u>of Turgon[/i]; for these his heart burnt to destroy or to ensl</u><hr></blockquote>The modifications are the change of &quot;he&quot; to &quot;Morgoth&quot; for readiblity and of the phrase &quot;that had escaped his thraldom} to &quot;of Turgon&quot;. The sons of Fëanor and their people are also free from Morgoth's thraldom. This phrase may go back to Tolkien's original version of FG where the sons of Fëanor probably did not exist.

FG-M03 (FG, WH): Findings of the spies.<blockquote>Quote:<hr> ****Now while Tuor dwelt in happiness and in great increase of ...
... indeed {among} many hidden things {that} they dragged to light {they discovered that Way of Escape whereby Tuor and Voronwë entered aforetime. Nor had they ...
... the Noldoli creeping there to flee from thraldom}. They had scaled too the Encircling [Mountains] at certain places {and gazed upon the beauty of the city of Gondolin and the strength of Amon Gwareth from afar; but into the plain they could not win for} &lt; WH though because of&gt; the vigilance of its guardians <u>and</u> &lt; WH the Eagles&gt; &lt; FG and the difficulty of those mountains&gt; no spy of {his} <u>Morgoth's</u> could yet come within sight of the land behind {the Encircling Mountains}&gt; <u>them to </u> &lt; FG gaze{ed} upon the beauty of the city of Gondolin and the strength of Amon Gware[d] from afar&gt; {but into the plain they could not win for the vigilance of its guardians and the difficulty of those mountains.<hr></blockquote> This is somewhat confusing as I have moved phrases to different positions in the last sentence to retain as much as possible and they show twice in this text, once as deleted and once as being retained or being inserted. In the original FG the spies could see Gondolin from the heights but could get no farther because of the vigilence of the Elves. In WH the spies cannot get even that far because of the vigilence of the Eagles. However I have kept the watch of the Elves also. In this account both Eagles and Elves are active. CT similarly keeps mentions of the &quot;leaguer&quot; from Q30 in QS77.

FG-M03 (FG): The construction of the secret way.[/b]<blockquote>Quote:<hr> Indeed the Gondo[lindr]rim were mighty archers ...
... and egged by Idril Tuor keepeth ever at his secret delving{;}<u>.</u><hr></blockquote>This whole section to be retained without change. In published writings an account of the construction of the secret way appears only in QS77 and FG indicating the account in FG is probaby a summary of the FG account by CT and Guy Kay.

FG-M04 (FG, Q30 §15, Q II}: Turgon's policy of isolation continues.[/b]<blockquote>Quote:<hr> &lt;Tidings Turgon heard of Thor[o]ndor concerning the slaying of Dior, Thingol's heir, and thereafter he shut his ear to word of the woes without; and he vowed to march never at the side of any son of Fëanor; and his folk he forbade ever to pass the leaguer of the hills&gt;; but seeing that the leaguer of spies hath grown thinner Turgon dwelleth more at ease and in less fear.<hr></blockquote>The final ruin of Doriath belongs chronologically to this period and so is inserted at this point. I have noticed the awkward changes of tenses and levels of archaism in the resulting sentence. I am purposely not dealing with such stylistic problems at this time.

FG-M05 (FG): Morgoth prepares for war with labor of thralls.<blockquote>Quote:<hr> Yet these years are filled by M[orgoth] in the midst ...
... stray ever a foot from their places of bondage.<hr></blockquote>This sentence kept intact without change.

FG-M06 (Q30, FG): Maeglin is captured.<blockquote>Quote:<hr> On a time, when Eärend[il] was yet young, and the days of Gondolin were full of joy and peace {(and yet Idril's heart misgave her, and foreboding crept upon her spirit like a cloud)}, M[a]eglin was lost. Now Ma[e]glin loved ...
... and so it came to pass, as fate willed, that M[a]eglin &lt; FG straying in the mountains alone&gt; was taken &lt; FG prisoner by some of&gt; the Or[k]s &lt; FG prowling there, and they would do him evil and terrible hurt, knowing him to be a man of the Gondo[lindr]im. This was however unknown of Tuor's watchers&gt;. &lt; Q30 M[a]eglin was no weakling or craven, but the torment wherewith he was threatened cowed his soul, and &lt;evil came into the heart of M[a]eglin, and he said to his captors: ...
... the adders that twined about its legs, M[orgoth] bade him speak. Then he told&gt; {he purchased his life and freedom by revealing} unto Morgoth the place of Gondolin<u>.</u><hr></blockquote>Merging of the two accounts. Idril's foreboding is removed here as this is the only occurrence in Q30 and must be taken as a short summary covering the much fuller account in FG given in &quot;The Attack on Gondolin&quot; in a previous post in this thread. Q30 mentions Maeglins's fear of torture only after he is taken to Angband by the Orks, but that is probably from compression, not because JRRT necessarily changed the story. Maeglin would have feared torture both when captured by the Orks and later when brought before Morgoth. Indeed in FG Morgoth, after the agreement is made, again threatens Maelgin with &quot;the torment of the Balrogs&quot; in return for any treachery. The words &quot;he purchased his life and freedom by revealing&quot; are removed here because in the latest account in WH revealing the location of Gondolin is not what preserves Maeglin's life. Morgoth already knows that information. See the next section.

FG-M07 WH note 30, Q30): Morgoth's first answer.<blockquote>Quote:<hr> Morgoth {must} answer<u>ed</u> laughing, saying: <u>'</u>Stale news will buy nothing. I know this already, I am not so easily blinded!<u>'</u> So Maeglin was obliged to offer more*** &lt;the ways whereby it might be {found and} assailed&gt; <u>and</u> to <u>himself</u> undermine resistance in Gondolin.<hr></blockquote>Merger of two accounts. The futher arrangement concering Tuor, Eärendil, and Idril is covered in the following section FG.

FG-M08 (FG, Q30, WH note 30): Morgoth and Maeglin agree.<blockquote>Quote:<hr> <u>A</u>nd M[orgoth] hearkening spake very fair to him, that the insolence of his heart in great measure returned.
****&lt; Q30 Great indeed was the joy of Morgoth&gt;<u>.</u> Now the end of this was that [M]orgoth aided by the cunning of M[a]eglin devised a plan for the overthrow of Gondolin. For this Ma[e]glin's reward was to be {a great captaincy among the Orcs} &lt; Q30 the lordship of Gondolin, as his vassal&gt; &lt; Q30 when that city should be taken&gt;*** yet M[orgoth] purposed not in his heart to fulfil such a promise*** {but} <u>and</u> {Tuor and Eärendel should Melko burn and} <u>Maeglin was to</u> &lt; WH compass the death of Tuor and Eärendil if he could. If he did {he}&gt; Idril &lt; WH would&gt; be given to M[a]eglin's arms*** and such promises was that evil one fain to redeem. &lt; Q30 Lust for Idril and hatred of Tuor led M[a]eglin the easier to this foul treachery.<hr></blockquote>A merging of three accounts.

FG-M09 (FG): Further discussion between Morgoth and Maeglin.<blockquote>Quote:<hr> Yet as meed of treachery did M[orgoth] threaten M[a]eglin with the torment of the ...
... lap that plain and its fair city in flame and death.<hr></blockquote>In this section is included Maeglin's suggestion of devising new dragons, which is covered in the separate thread &quot;Mechanical Monsters at the Fall of Gondolin?&quot; udiesandtheories.showMessage?topicID=101.topic</a>. Any changes to this passage conerning dragons are to be considered there and not here.

FG-M10 (FG, Q30): Maeglin returns.<blockquote>Quote:<hr> Then &lt;Morgoth sent&gt; M[a]eglin {was bidden fare home lest at his absence men suspect somewhat} back to Gondolin, lest men should suspect the betrayal, and so that M[a]eglin should aid the assault from within when the hour came&gt;; but M[orgoth] wove about him the spell of bottomless dread, and he had thereafter neither joy nor quiet in his heart. Nonetheless <u>though</u> &lt;evil <u>was</u> in his heart<u>,</u>&gt; he {wore} &lt;abode in the halls of the king with&gt; a fair mask of good liking and gaiety, so that men said: &quot;M[a]eglin is softened&quot;, and he was held in less disfavour; ...
... bidden once more to the terrors of the halls of darkness.<hr></blockquote>Merging of two accounts.

FG-M11 (FG): The creation of new dragons.<blockquote>Quote:<hr> Then on a time M[orgoth] assembled all his most cunning ...
... the most dire of all those monsters which M[orgoth] devised against Gondolin.<hr></blockquote>Changes concerning the dragons in this passage are to be discussed in the &quot;Mechanical Monsters at the Fall of Gondolin?&quot; udiesandtheories.showMessage?topicID=101.topic</a>. Changes concerning the Balrogs in this passage are to be discussed in the thread &quot;Bye Bye Balrogs&quot; at udiesandtheories.showMessage?topicID=105.topic</a>. Otherwise the account remains unchanged.

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