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Old 12-18-2003, 01:50 AM   #37
Haunted Halfling
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Lyta_Underhill has just left Hobbiton.

Alas, it is late, and I, like others, am overawed at the whole thing, but I'll add some comments upon a first watching...<P>Wonderful Smeagol/Deagol scenes at the beginning, with Smeagol's transformation to Gollum. Really captured the torture of the murder with which he began his ownership of the Ring...very real!<P>I'm not sure what to think of the whole Frodo/Sam/Gollum frameshift. I just didn't think Sam would really leave when Frodo told him to go. Not sure what to make of that yet...<P>Paths of the Dead: awesome! Esp. the coalescing cities of the Dead and Aragorn's coolness/firm power when surrounded--mirrors his demeanor when he is surrounded at the Black Gate as well. "I keep no hope for myself." What a guy! He seems to have gotten over all that indecision quite nicely!<P>Some might find this strange, but the part that brought the most tears to my eyes was Pippin singing. The montage with Denethor sending Faramir away to a hopeless mission while Pippin sings a mournful sounding song brought me closer to crying than anything else in the movie, including the Grey Havens. (I told my husband about this, and he said wryly, "I didn't think his singing was that bad!") *snerk!*<P>I was so happy to hear my ..."end of all things" line come from Frodo's lips when they are trapped in the island in the sea of lava at Mt. Doom. Also the "Naked in the Dark" scene was sublimely done--Elijah Wood impresses me more and more! Also, thought "foaming Frodo" after the spider's sting was appropriate (husband wants to see action figure of this, strangely enough)--the whole Shelob experience was frightening, but I thought Frodo flopped about in too many spiderweb beds. Could have just been altered timesense. That tunnel seemed to go on FOREVER!!!! (I'm sure Frodo felt that way too!)<P>Also, still debating the "most intense" performance, but for sheer power of dark despair, Denethor has it hands down! He is as imposing as his despair and they seem to physically and spiritually drag him down in an epic way. Denethor is larger than life and his death (modified slightly but not much) is fitting. <P>One thing that REALLY impressed me and that I believe someone else may have mentioned was the looks on the faces of the combatants. The Rohirrim, the Gondorians at the Gates of Minas Tirith, the soldiers at the Black Gate, everyone! It has a resonance when Aragorn gives his "today we fight" speech at the Black Gate.<P>I did miss the obvious dramatic moment of the Mouth of Sauron casting Frodo's belongings upon the ground in front of Gandalf, Aragorn, Pippin, et. al. (Merry, too!)<P>Also, I lost some of the action in the battle scenes due to really quick panning, or maybe I was just too close to the screen. There were sound problems with the print I watched as well. One last note: when Pippin catches the bouquet at Sam's wedding, why does he look over at Merry? <P>There are lots more things to be said, but it is late and I cannot think of them at the moment! Thanks for letting me rant a bit!<P>Cheers,<BR>Lyta<P>P.S. Dressed in Frodo costume and one person recognized it...there's hope yet! (Made Aragorn costume for husband in about 3 minutes...record time! No one knew he was Aragorn though. Oh well!)
“…she laid herself to rest upon Cerin Amroth; and there is her green grave, until the world is changed, and all the days of her life are utterly forgotten by men that come after, and elanor and niphredil bloom no more east of the Sea.”
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